Iain Campbell has written a glowing review of Doctrine by Mark Driscoll and Gary Breshears. Not surprisingly, Campbell quibbles with a few issues (there is no such thing as a perfect book). He is cautious about Driscoll and Breshear's views of God speaking in our day as well as what they call "...
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=12425590&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1 What is the Gospel? from Southern Seminary on Vimeo ...
Kevin DeYoung has written a thoughtful and helpful review of Rich Stearns book The Whole in Our Gospel . DeYoung voices the very concerns I have about the book. First of all it should be said that Stearns is absolutely right in calling us to care for the poor. No follower of Jesus can ignore the...
God does not give every pastor the same kind of ministry. Some pastors serve in well known churches and receive a great deal of attention. Most pastors serve small congregations and receive little or no attention or praise. Some pastors serve faithfully. Others fail tragically. Some pastors seem to...
Last Sunday's message was part 39 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Faith Treasuring God" is based on Hebrews 11:23-29. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Donald Hilton Jr. has written a very helpful article in Slavo on the addictive properties of pornography. This in no way diminishes personal reponsibility or the reality that indulging in porn is sinful. However, to deny the power of porn to lure and hold its captives is naive and perhaps dangerous...
Thanks for Andy Naselli for linking to D.A. Carson's message from the NEXT Conference. Excellent! The messages from the Next 2010 Conference (May 28–31, 2010) are available as MP3s . Don Carson’s assignment was to preach on God, and his sermon describes God and then unpacks Exodus 34:1–9. Here’s...
Justin Taylor has posted an interview he did with Trip Lee, one of the bright lights in a growing phenomena - Doctrinally thick hip hop. Like Shai Linne, Tripp Lee is right here (in Philadelphia, that is). He is a student at Philadelphia Biblical University and attends Epiphany Fellowship. Epiphany...
It is not a secret. Men are buffoons . Men are morons. Men are inept. Men are predators . These are messages that saturate our culture. From sitcoms to the classroom men are out. In her timely and disturbing book The War Against Boys , Christina Hoff Sommers showed that in the typical American...
I have been preaching through Hebrews which is known, in part for its warning passages. Some take those warning passages to mean that it is possible for genuine converts to Christ to lose their salvation. I certainly agree that it is possible for religious people to lose their religion. It is...