After 7 weeks in Revelation 2&3 we returned to our series through the book of Hebrews, Hold Fast to Christ . It was part 41 and is entitled "Faith Focused on Jesus". It can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Well, it's happening. There is, as I feared, a growing confusion over what constitutes the content of genuine Christian faith. I am sure Glenn Beck is a nice man. I am sympathetic to his fear over our diminishing liberties and a federal government that has gotten far to big. But the reason why I...
“The point: being poor is not the only way to radically follow Christ. Some people are called to it. I have long felt a tension between all that I learned from the Kid Brothers and Rich Mullins about identifying with the poor and the weak, versus my holy responsibility to tend to my family’s...
My review of T. David Gordon's Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns has now been posted TGC Reviews . Gordon makes a compelling series of arguments against the use of pop music in corporate worship. His arguments focus primarily on the three dimensions mentioned above: the literary, theological, and musical...
Richad Land was interviewed on NPR concerning the Restoring Honor gathering in Washington D.C. Dr. Land is one of the most influential leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention. His commendation of the rally highlights what troubles me about the same event. As you will see, Dr. Land seems to have...
That is the subject of the latest issue of the Nine Marks Journal . Contents: Pastoral Perspectives on Hell Mark Dever , Pastoral Fearmongering, Manipulation, and Hell Our culture sneers at fear, as if there really is nothing to fear but fear itself. Yet Jesus told people to fear hell, and pastors...
The fundamental problem in the evangelical world today is not inadequate technique, insufficient organization, or antiquated music and those who want to squander the church’s resources bandaging these scratches will do nothing to staunch the flow of blood that is spilling from its wounds. The...
Try as he might, Roger Olson specifically and Arminian theologians in general cannot adequately make an argument for the presence of evil. That is, Arminians cannot explain the presence of evil in a way that 'rescues' God's reputation as they seek to do. Steve Hays over at Triablogue dismisses...
This morning Church of the Saviour had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Carl Trueman to the pulpit. He preached a challenging and encouraging message from Judges 6. It was a challenge to carefully consider how we recognize the guidance of God. It was also an encouraging word to the church about the...
There are two new books available on the relationship between Christianity and politics. Politics According to the Bible by Wayne Grudem and Republocrat by Carl Trueman. Politics According to the Bible “If you read this year only one Christian book on politics, read Politics—According to the Bible...