[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/7411192 w=400&h=320] How can God allow suffering and evil in the world? from A Passion for Life on Vimeo .
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/7415156 w=400&h=320] How can God be loving yet send people to hell? from A Passion for Life on Vimeo .
As I posted last week , Karl Giberson of Biologos apparently thought it was a good idea to write an article attacking Al Mohler over at the Huffington Post. The tone of Giberson's article, his failure to actually respond to Mohler's thesis, and his remarkably poor choice of venue are worth further...
Okay, so I'm posting more from Al Mohler. In this truly important address (8/24/2010) to the graduating students of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Mohler deals with the increasingly amorphous nature of evangelicalism. Denny Burk writes of the address: In particular, Dr. Mohler notes that...
On September 5th Carl Trueman will be preaching at the morning services at Church of the Saviour . Additionally, Dr. Trueman will be one of the speakers at the Full Confidence Conference . I love to hear Carl preach and am looking forward to welcoming him to COS. When you get a chance, check out...
As it turns out believers and atheists have different ideas about the dignity of human life. Of course, this should not be any surprise. Apart from a biblical worldview, what reason is there, other than sentiment, to invest human life with any dignity? An article in the Daily Mail comments on a...
Dr. Karl Giberson has apologized to Al Mohler for his schoolyard tactics of "debate". As I mention in an earlier post, Dr. Giberson, in a piece for the Huffington Post , accused Dr. Mohler of not being interested in the truth. While I would quibble with some of the details of Giberson's apology, it...
In Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture , one of the most important books on preaching I have ever read, Graeme Goldsworthy writes: We are all legalists at heart. We all love to be able to say that we have fulfilled all kinds of conditions, be they tarrying, surrendering fully, or...
Great post from Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs on a sermon preached by Lloyd-Jones in 1969. The point of Lloyd-Jones remarks is that the church is yielding to pressure from the cultured despisers of Christianity by rejecting those passages of Scripture and doctrines which they do not approve of...
Okay, I don't hide the fact that I am conservative politically. I believe the federal government is too big and that it taxes people too much. I believe abortion is a moral crime and a national shame and am committed to never voting for anyone who is pro-choice. But I continue to be concerned that...