

Galatians . Commentaries for Christian Formation. N. T. Wright. Eerdmans, 2021. 439 pp. Hardcover. $39.99 Many Ref. 21 readers will recognize N. T. Wright as one of the biggest (and one of the most controversial) names in Pauline studies. He has produced numerous monographs on Paul and the NT, as...
Of nature’s elaborate courtship displays, none is more elegant than that of the western grebe, a swanlike bird with ruby eyes. Each spring the grebes congregate on the lakes of Oregon to find a lifelong mate. Two by two, the male leads his female to a secluded spot on the water. Their waltz begins...
Tourists travel from all over the world to experience the expansive deserts, remote wildernesses, peoples, foods, and sites of north Africa and the Middle East. Many of these (occasionally naïve) travelers have been drawn to the region by the adventures of Lawrence of Arabia or Indiana Jones, only...
Note: This article is part of a series on terminology related to homosexuality. The term “sex-positive” describes an open and approving attitude toward various sexual identities and behaviors. It is meant as a contrast with the traditional view that sex is properly reserved for the exclusive,...
“You shall not murder.” Death. It happens every day, everywhere across the world, and yet there is something about death that sets it apart from other common events in the world. We approach it with a mixture of contradictory feelings, all of them strong. Awe, horror, fascination, confusion,...
How I wish seminaries described themselves in press releases (let the reader understand): Our approach to pastoral preparation is time-tested, rich, and rigorous. The university has been the handmaiden of the church for over a thousand years. The model of pastoral preparation of devoting years of...
Note: This article is part of a series on terminology related to homosexuality. "Sex reassignment" refers to a surgery (or series of surgeries) to alter a person’s visible sex characteristics to conform to his or her gender identity. More colloquially, it is also called a “sex change.” The newer...
When I was a boy, my parents gave my siblings and me a big, round trampoline. That gift brought us and countless hours of fun, laughter, and exercise. So, when our children were old enough, Jordan and I decided to surprise them with a big, round trampoline for Christmas. As I bolted the frame...
Apologetic conversations aren’t about hypothetical truths, but about life’s most important matters. We mustn’t simply stick to the scripts of critics; we must see ourselves as God’s prophets “anointed to confess his name” and reveal the mysterious “counsel and will of God concerning our deliverance...
What are your plans for 2022? Perhaps you plan to get married, or continue your studies, or look for a different job, or buy a house, or travel abroad. Whatever your plans may be, I hope you will consider what God teaches in Proverbs 19:21: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the...