

“You shall not commit adultery.” — Ex 20:14 When the internet was in its infancy, in the days of AIM and dial-up modems, there were some voices warning us to patch up the leaks in the dam against unbridled smut. The holes were small then, but people were warning us they would grow quickly, and...
Should Christians get Tattoos? There is only one clear reference to tattoos in Scripture: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:28). Obviously, this is a strict prohibition. It is also an Old Testament precept, and...
Note: This post has been adapted from the preface of A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 , slated for release by Mentor in January 2023. It has been correctly said that true Christianity “is confessional Christianity,” and that a church with “a little creed is a...
In modern debates over sexuality, few terms have generated more confusion than “gender.” As distinct from “sex” (which focuses on biology), “gender” has to do with socially constructed roles and expectations. These terms are separated in order to emphasize the fact that biological differences alone...
Just before Jesus’ institution of the Lord’s Supper, he predicted that one of his disciples would betray him. All the disciples, Judas included, responded with a heart-searching question: “Is it I?” (Matt. 26:22, 25). For most of the disciples, it was a moment of self-doubt; for Judas, it was...
Several years ago, I was texting another pastor while I was waiting for a somber meeting. I remarked that I at least had Anselm to keep me company. He shot a wonderfully nerdy reply: “That's the greatest way to pass your time that could be conceived.” For those who miss the joke, don’t worry; we’ll...
Preaching is the most evident supernatural activity that Christians can witness on a weekly basis. Dr. Charles W. Koller bears witness to this as he writes, “Preaching is that unique procedure by which God, through His chosen messenger, reaches down into the human family and brings persons face to...
Note: This article was originally published on reformation21 in May 2011. Error and heresy are not always immediately obvious. Some problems are indeed glaring, and ought to require only a functioning pair of eyes and ears in order to determine the problem. God says that something is black; a man...
“You shall not commit adultery.” For a single Christian, marriage is often sold like 21 st -century snake oil: “Having trouble with lust? Feel assaulted by a hyper-sexualized world? Do you sometimes struggle to find purpose? Do you ever feel distance between you and God? Are you searching for, and...
I recently published an article of Ref21 where I challenged Dr. Owen Strachan’s views on EFS/ERAS and especially his use of 1 Corinthians 15:28 in defense of his position. I knew that writing such an article would evoke various responses from people in both camps. Doctrinal debates get heated, and...