Posts by Louis Markos

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A Personal God and a Good World: The Coherence of the Christian Moral Vision by Ronnie P. Campell Jr. and David Baggett B&H Academic, 2024 256 pages, paper, $34.99 I recently discovered a linguistic quirk of the Spanish language that has fascinating repercussions for the way we should think of...
Most American Christians are aware that it is an ancient heresy to say that Jesus was man but not God (Arianism); less are aware that there were just as many heretics who promoted the opposite error: that Jesus was God but not man (Gnosticism). The reason Gnostics denied that God became fully man...
Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis by Jeff Myers Baker, 2022 256 pages, paper, $17.99 We have all heard or read the alarming statistics. Children from Christian homes, it seems, are just as likely as their secular peers to believe that...
The Archetype of the Dying and Rising God in World Mythology By Paul R. Rovang Lexington Books, 2023 224 pages, hardcover, $100.00 Although many of the great Christian apologists of the twentieth century—Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Chuck Colson—converted directly from atheism to Christianity, C. S...
From Cecil B. de Mille’s silent epic King of Kings (1927) to Mel Gibson’s intense and bloody Passion of the Christ (2004), movies about Jesus have always provoked controversy. In the 1940s, when Dorothy Sayers wrote a series of radio plays on the life of Christ for the BBC called The Man Born to Be...
Natural Theology: A Biblical and Historical Introduction and Defense. By David Haines. Davenant Press, 2021. 195 pages, paper, $14.95 As a classical apologist, C. S. Lewis began his defense of the faith by examining shared human experience. In Book I of Mere Christianity , Lewis argued that we all...
Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential. By Collin Hansen & Jonathan Leeman. Crossway, 2021. 160 pages, paper, $12.99 I still find it hard to believe. A flu virus succeeded in doing what centuries of persecution by Roman pagans, Ottoman Muslims, Hindu nationalists, Eastern...
Before You Lose Your Faith: Deconstructing Doubt in the Church. Edited by Ivan Mesa. The Gospel Coalition, 2021. 139 pp. Paperback. $16.99 What if, C. S. Lewis asks in The Great Divorce , the people in hell could get on a bus and take it to heaven? And what if, when they arrived, they were met by...
Rod Dreher , Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents (Sentinel, 2020), 256 pp., hardcover, $27.00 Published posthumously in Christian Reflections , “The Funeral of a Great Myth” is one of C. S. Lewis’s most perceptive and provocative essays. The “great myth” of the title is evolution,...
The Good, the True, the Beautiful: A Multidisciplinary Tribute to Dr. David K. Naugle. Edited by Mark J. Boone, Rose M. Cothren, Kevin C. Neece, and Jaclyn S. Parrish. Pickwick Publications, 2021. 352 pp, paperback, $41.00. Back in the summer of 2012, I had the privilege of speaking for Summit...
Michael T. Jahosky, The Good News of the Return of the King: The Gospel in Middle-Earth (Wipf & Stock, 2020), 238 pp. During the first half of the twentieth century, a brave cadre of poet-critics, most hailing from the American South, rose up to save poetry, and the language of poetry, from the...
Lost and Found: How Jesus Helped Us Discover our True Selves Edited by Collin Hansen The Gospel Coalition, 2019 160 pages, paper, $12.99 I have always been troubled by those long, weight-loss infomercials that one sees on late night television. I have nothing against hearing the struggles of real-...
Lost and Found: How Jesus Helped Us Discover our True Selves Edited by Collin Hansen The Gospel Coalition, 2019 160 pages, paper, $12.99 I have always been troubled by those long, weight-loss infomercials that one sees on late night television. I have nothing against hearing the struggles of real-...
Lost and Found: How Jesus Helped Us Discover our True Selves Edited by Collin Hansen The Gospel Coalition, 2019 160 pages, paper, $12.99 I have always been troubled by those long, weight-loss infomercials that one sees on late night television. I have nothing against hearing the struggles of real-...
Joe Rigney, Lewis on the Christian Life: Becoming Truly Human in the Presence of God Crossway, 2018. 320 pages, paper, $21.99 In addition to teaching literature classes at Houston Baptist University, I have the privilege of conducting our first and second year honors students through a four-...
Joe Rigney, Lewis on the Christian Life: Becoming Truly Human in the Presence of God Crossway, 2018. 320 pages, paper, $21.99 In addition to teaching literature classes at Houston Baptist University, I have the privilege of conducting our first and second year honors students through a four-...
Nancy Pearcey, Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality , Baker, 2018. 336 pages, hardcover, $22.99 The Fall of 2017 saw a rash of sexual misconduct accusations and lawsuits leveled against such high-profile celebrities as Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose and...
Nancy Pearcey, Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality , Baker, 2018. 336 pages, hardcover, $22.99 The Fall of 2017 saw a rash of sexual misconduct accusations and lawsuits leveled against such high-profile celebrities as Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose and...
Giving the Devil His Due: Demonic Authority in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor and Fyodor Dostoevsky By Jessica Hooten Wilson Cascade Books, 2017 156 pages, paper, $21.00 It is a sad and tragic irony that many private Christian schools do not teach Flannery O'Connor. I say it is sad and tragic...
Corey Latta. C. S. Lewis and the Art of Writing . Cascade Books, 2016, 250 pages. $30.00. Could there be any two people more different than George Orwell, an atheist and socialist who worked as a policeman in Burma, spent a year living as a hobo in Paris and London, and fought in Spain on the...
Anthony Esolen. Life Under Compulsion: Ten Ways to Destroy the Humanity of Your Child . Delaware: ISI Books, 2015. 224 pages. $27.95 Ever since Edison recorded sound, each new generation of parents has voiced the same complaint: why do my kids listen to that junk! I sympathize strongly with such...
Anthony Esolen. Life Under Compulsion: Ten Ways to Destroy the Humanity of Your Child . Delaware: ISI Books, 2015. 224 pages. $27.95 Ever since Edison recorded sound, each new generation of parents has voiced the same complaint: why do my kids listen to that junk! I sympathize strongly with such...
Dallas Willard, The Allure of Gentleness: Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus . Harper One, 2015. 208 pages, hardcover. $26.99 One of the most exciting developments of the last two decades has been the rapid growth--nay, explosion--of top-notch apologists who have flooded the market with...
Dallas Willard, The Allure of Gentleness: Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus . Harper One, 2015. 208 pages, hardcover. $26.99 One of the most exciting developments of the last two decades has been the rapid growth--nay, explosion--of top-notch apologists who have flooded the market with...
Jerry Walls, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory: Rethinking the Things that Matter Most . Michigan: Brazos, 2015. 240 pp. $19.99 Although two and a half centuries of Enlightenment naturalism have eaten away at the western world's faith in the afterlife, the question of our eternal destiny has certainly...
Jerry Walls, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory: Rethinking the Things that Matter Most . Michigan: Brazos, 2015. 240 pp. $19.99 Although two and a half centuries of Enlightenment naturalism have eaten away at the western world's faith in the afterlife, the question of our eternal destiny has certainly...
Marc Baer, Mere Believers: How Eight Faithful Lives Changed the Course of History . Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013. 190 pages. $22.00 Although I double-majored in English and history as an undergraduate, when I moved on to graduate school, I narrowed my focus to English. I did so, not because I...
Marc Baer, Mere Believers: How Eight Faithful Lives Changed the Course of History . Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013. 190 pages. $22.00 Although I double-majored in English and history as an undergraduate, when I moved on to graduate school, I narrowed my focus to English. I did so, not because I...
Alister McGrath, If I Had Lunch with C. S. Lewis: Exploring the Ideas of C. S. Lewis on the Meaning of Life . Tyndale, 2014. 256 pages. Hardcover. $17.99 Back in 2010, C. S. Lewis scholar Michael Ward pulled off a publishing coup that I would like to see imitated more often. Two years after...
Rowan Williams, The Lion's World: A Journey into the Heart of Narnia . Oxford :Oxford University Press, 2012, 168 pp. $16.95/£11.00 (hardcover) When the film version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe first hit screens in December of 2005, a gaggle of secular movie critics gleefully pilloried...
Ralph C. Wood, Chesterton: The Nightmare Goodness of God (Baylor University Press, 2011) $34.95, hardcover, 325 pages In Book eight, Chapter twelve of his Nicomachean Ethics , Aristotle asserts a seemingly common-sense truth that has been progressively forgotten, ignored, or repressed over the...
The Devil and Pierre Gernet: Stories by David Bentley Hart Eerdmans, 2012 $25.00, paper, 176 pages My Dinner with D. B. Hart Though much has been written, and continues to be written, on the dramatic monologues of Robert Browning, far too few critics have celebrated, or even noticed, the distinctly...