Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

The Rev. Thabiti Anyabwile has an excellent post on the real cost of giving T D Jakes a pass. It is a moving story and one that deserves to be read by all -- especially those ministers who gave Jakes a pass the other week.
A great post from Dan over at TeamPyro here . It is a great thing to limit one's feudal ties for it gives great freedom to speak.
A great post from Dan over at TeamPyro here . It is a great thing to limit one's feudal ties for it gives great freedom to speak.
I was recently reminded of a very thoughtful post from a little while ago at The Internet Monk . It is a most helpful reminder of a problem that the church has had since at least the advent of the printing press: if teaching in church is to be assigned to, and overseen by, men ordained to that task...
I was recently reminded of a very thoughtful post from a little while ago at The Internet Monk . It is a most helpful reminder of a problem that the church has had since at least the advent of the printing press: if teaching in church is to be assigned to, and overseen by, men ordained to that task...
Garry Williams, the English theologian who is one of the most articulate scholarly advocates of penal substitutionary atonement,has recently published an article on the extent to which the Church Fathers can be regarded as holding to the doctrine. It is available online here .
Garry Williams, the English theologian who is one of the most articulate scholarly advocates of penal substitutionary atonement,has recently published an article on the extent to which the Church Fathers can be regarded as holding to the doctrine. It is available online here .
Now that it is official that the kind of questions raised in the third and fourth centuries relative to Trinitarianism are nothing more than the constructs of a bunch of middle aged white guys, it is worth perhaps spending a few moments in methodological and historical reflection. Methodologically...
Now that it is official that the kind of questions raised in the third and fourth centuries relative to Trinitarianism are nothing more than the constructs of a bunch of middle aged white guys, it is worth perhaps spending a few moments in methodological and historical reflection. Methodologically...
Pastor Chris Anderson has a very perceptive post from a Fundamentalist perspective, on recent events. On another note, these recent events have really only brought to the surface tensions and problems which are bound to exist when one tries to make too hard and fast a separation between doctrinal...