Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Before my colleagues launch into 1 Tim 3 proper, one further thought comes to mind, provoked by an email from a friendly correspondent: why is it that character is so low on the agenda in the modern church when it comes to choosing officers? Ironically, Samuel Miller might be a help to us here at...
As the time of the apostles was drawing to a close, and hearing news that the church in Ephesus was being assaulted by both false teaching and the inroads of worldliness, Paul's response was to write to Timothy to tell him to stay in Ephesus. He also told him to appoint men as elders and deacons...
As the time of the apostles was drawing to a close, and hearing news that the church in Ephesus was being assaulted by both false teaching and the inroads of worldliness, Paul's response was to write to Timothy to tell him to stay in Ephesus. He also told him to appoint men as elders and deacons...
One of the great lacunae in many of the current debates surrounding ministry in the contemporary world is the issue of character. In the world of confessional Presbyterianism, our focus is generally on elaborate theological integrity and intellectual accomplishments, reflecting the ideal of an...
One of the great lacunae in many of the current debates surrounding ministry in the contemporary world is the issue of character. In the world of confessional Presbyterianism, our focus is generally on elaborate theological integrity and intellectual accomplishments, reflecting the ideal of an...
Rod Liddle (We are not worthy! We are not worthy!) has a typically pungent article in this week's Spectator (Warning: usual caveats apply for the easily offended). There he deals with the culture of instant gratification that pervades modern British society; but the phenomenon is something of a...
Rod Liddle (We are not worthy! We are not worthy!) has a typically pungent article in this week's Spectator (Warning: usual caveats apply for the easily offended). There he deals with the culture of instant gratification that pervades modern British society; but the phenomenon is something of a...
Westminster Seminary in California (no relation) has recently been placed in the invidious position of having an entire book explicitly devoted to clobbering them, as we say back home. In response, they have issued a temperate and graciously firm statement which you can read here . It does make the...
Westminster Seminary in California (no relation) has recently been placed in the invidious position of having an entire book explicitly devoted to clobbering them, as we say back home. In response, they have issued a temperate and graciously firm statement which you can read here . It does make the...
The Rev. Thabiti Anyabwile has an excellent post on the real cost of giving T D Jakes a pass. It is a moving story and one that deserves to be read by all -- especially those ministers who gave Jakes a pass the other week.