Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

I see Mark Driscoll has had a go at my old country. Well, not really. Only foreigners really talk of 'Brits.' Those of us from the UK never think of ourselves in those terms: we are English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish, especially during the Six Nations. To have a go at the old country, you have to be...
Congratulations to Ligon Duncan who was obviously convicted and convinced by my post on bivocational pastorates. He is now the John E. Richards Chair at R.T.S. The man who would be Derek Thomas.......
Congratulations to Ligon Duncan who was obviously convicted and convinced by my post on bivocational pastorates. He is now the John E. Richards Chair at R.T.S. The man who would be Derek Thomas.......
It is something of a truism that seminaries are not great at teaching preaching. Thinking does vary on this: some believe that preachers cannot be taught, simply improved; others that you can take someone who cannot preach and make him a preacher. What is certain is that any student who simply...
It is something of a truism that seminaries are not great at teaching preaching. Thinking does vary on this: some believe that preachers cannot be taught, simply improved; others that you can take someone who cannot preach and make him a preacher. What is certain is that any student who simply...
I notice Frank Turk at Pyromaniacs linked to this piece by America's favourite fount of all wisdom. So you can forget Mark Driscoll and even Tim Keller: the way to a happy marriage is to imagine that you have invited me or Del Thomas or Paul 'I'm really not an avatar' Levy to stay as houseguests...
I notice Frank Turk at Pyromaniacs linked to this piece by America's favourite fount of all wisdom. So you can forget Mark Driscoll and even Tim Keller: the way to a happy marriage is to imagine that you have invited me or Del Thomas or Paul 'I'm really not an avatar' Levy to stay as houseguests...
At the weekend, I had the truly great pleasure of leading the congregation in prayer at the installation of a former student, Hunter Powell, as one of the pastors at Guilford Baptist Church just outside Washington, D.C. The charge was given by Phil Ryken and the sermon, on 1 Corinthians 4, on the...
At the weekend, I had the truly great pleasure of leading the congregation in prayer at the installation of a former student, Hunter Powell, as one of the pastors at Guilford Baptist Church just outside Washington, D.C. The charge was given by Phil Ryken and the sermon, on 1 Corinthians 4, on the...
Phil Johnson has a great post on the trend in evangelical exhibitionism here . The last paragraphs are particularly pertinent: It's yet another sign of evangelicalism's growing conformity to worldly values and worldly behavior. The various evangelical coalitions and young Reformed movements that...