Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Reading the note below on Brain McLaren and liberalism led me the following quotation from another theologian: `There is nothing we are more often told by those who discard evangelical faith than this -- that we must now do what scholarship has only just enabled us to do and return to the religion...
Danny Hyde has set up a new website dedicated to all things Belgic Confession. You can find it here . The church has been in debt to Bob Yarbrough for many years, particularly for his translations of German works by Linneman and Schlatter. Now Bob has produced a fine commentary on the Johannine...
Danny Hyde has set up a new website dedicated to all things Belgic Confession. You can find it here . The church has been in debt to Bob Yarbrough for many years, particularly for his translations of German works by Linneman and Schlatter. Now Bob has produced a fine commentary on the Johannine...
On Friday last week, Willie Mackenzie of CFP gave me an advance copy of Douglas F. Kelly's forthcoming Systematic Theology I: The God Who Is -- The Holy Trinity . It looks excellent. Three things are striking. First, Kelly interacts extensively with the Church Fathers, especially the Easterns (...
On Friday last week, Willie Mackenzie of CFP gave me an advance copy of Douglas F. Kelly's forthcoming Systematic Theology I: The God Who Is -- The Holy Trinity . It looks excellent. Three things are striking. First, Kelly interacts extensively with the Church Fathers, especially the Easterns (...
My old friend and UCCF colleague from Themelios days, Dr. Mike Reeves, has an interview with John Piper on justification over at Theology Network. You can find it here .
My old friend and UCCF colleague from Themelios days, Dr. Mike Reeves, has an interview with John Piper on justification over at Theology Network. You can find it here .
To answer Phil's question, I am speaking on the Decalogue in the thought of John Owen. A tricky topic, as it can be approached in a number of ways and I have not yet settled in my own mind how to deal with it. The major religious/political/social flashpoints in Owen's era in terms of the Decalogue...
To answer Phil's question, I am speaking on the Decalogue in the thought of John Owen. A tricky topic, as it can be approached in a number of ways and I have not yet settled in my own mind how to deal with it. The major religious/political/social flashpoints in Owen's era in terms of the Decalogue...
A friend just brought this quotation to my attention: "In the future, the great republic may only have blog schools, those being schools where students are taught to sit in their underwear in front of their luminescent laptops and pound out semiliterate diktats to an -- for the most part --...