Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

There is a thoughtful reflection on the ethics of the recent face transplant, posted here . The writer nails it: the striking thing about the modern Western world is the importance of aesthetics, how these aesthetics shape human behaviour, sense of meaning, and even what risks are deemed necessary...
I just noticed the following obituary for Avery Dulles, Cardinal and son of Cold War Warrior, John Foster Dulles of the Eisenhower administration. Cardinal Dulles was one of the most thoughtful Catholic leaders of recent time, and a good writer to boot! You'll find the obit here .
I just noticed the following obituary for Avery Dulles, Cardinal and son of Cold War Warrior, John Foster Dulles of the Eisenhower administration. Cardinal Dulles was one of the most thoughtful Catholic leaders of recent time, and a good writer to boot! You'll find the obit here .
I received this comment via my extensive online social network (i.e., the Gnome), apparently responding to my piece of yesterday: "With what does the Christ of MsMiller reach out? A piece of paper and the promise of a few years ofcompanionship, perhaps some great sex, and then what?" Herein lies...
I received this comment via my extensive online social network (i.e., the Gnome), apparently responding to my piece of yesterday: "With what does the Christ of MsMiller reach out? A piece of paper and the promise of a few years ofcompanionship, perhaps some great sex, and then what?" Herein lies...
While we're in a Dutch auction of mutual appreciation, I'll lower the bar yet further.... Here 's a further link to a Frank Schaeffer's response to Os Guinness. And, just for good measure, a link to an article on the Huffington Post by FS on Mormonism which gives pause for thought on issues of co-...
While we're in a Dutch auction of mutual appreciation, I'll lower the bar yet further.... Here 's a further link to a Frank Schaeffer's response to Os Guinness. And, just for good measure, a link to an article on the Huffington Post by FS on Mormonism which gives pause for thought on issues of co-...
There's an interesting interview with Frank Schaeffer available at the NPR website here . FS has taken a lot of hits for his repudiation of his father's evangelicalism, his conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, and for his recent book on his father, Crazy for God . I haven't yet read the latter, though...
There's an interesting interview with Frank Schaeffer available at the NPR website here . FS has taken a lot of hits for his repudiation of his father's evangelicalism, his conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, and for his recent book on his father, Crazy for God . I haven't yet read the latter, though...
Reading the note below on Brain McLaren and liberalism led me the following quotation from another theologian: `There is nothing we are more often told by those who discard evangelical faith than this -- that we must now do what scholarship has only just enabled us to do and return to the religion...