Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

A few thoughts: On Rick's ramblings on rugby: this is clearly a point where Proverbs 26:4 applies. So I waive my right to a surrejoinder. On Mr Dever, I hope Mark is purging his library of all the abominable theology produced by these people who practice what he can't abide. Should leave him with...
Thanks to Derek for reminding me of my birthday, a day spent with the present Mrs T, listening to David Bowie records from my youth. 'Changes' and 'Life on Mars' seem perennially relevant. To quote the Stones, `What a drag it is getting old.' Yet as I sat last night drinking a glass of Mad Elf and...
Thanks to Derek for reminding me of my birthday, a day spent with the present Mrs T, listening to David Bowie records from my youth. 'Changes' and 'Life on Mars' seem perennially relevant. To quote the Stones, `What a drag it is getting old.' Yet as I sat last night drinking a glass of Mad Elf and...
David Dunbar, President of Biblical Seminary, has produced a helpful, concise and gracious statement on the nature of generous orthodoxy and its relationship to his own institution. You can find it here . The statement, and the concept with which it deals, raise a number of questions in my mind but...
David Dunbar, President of Biblical Seminary, has produced a helpful, concise and gracious statement on the nature of generous orthodoxy and its relationship to his own institution. You can find it here . The statement, and the concept with which it deals, raise a number of questions in my mind but...
Here's a link to another review of Milk which, unlike that which I cited on a blog yesterday from the Gospel and Culture Project, begs the truly interesting questions of how and why Sean Penn decided to portray Milk the way he did etc. -- the obvious questions, one would have thought, for a...
Here's a link to another review of Milk which, unlike that which I cited on a blog yesterday from the Gospel and Culture Project, begs the truly interesting questions of how and why Sean Penn decided to portray Milk the way he did etc. -- the obvious questions, one would have thought, for a...
Some weeks ago, I penned a piece on Ref21, arguing that the trendy Christian infatuation with cultural interaction was problematic at a number of levels. Well, a review of the film, Milk over at the Gospel and Culture project is good evidence of a number of my points. You can find it here . The...
Some weeks ago, I penned a piece on Ref21, arguing that the trendy Christian infatuation with cultural interaction was problematic at a number of levels. Well, a review of the film, Milk over at the Gospel and Culture project is good evidence of a number of my points. You can find it here . The...
The Miserable Middle Aged Git Rebellion against virtual friendings, updates of the `I'm sitting at home updating my Facebook' level of stimulation, and all-round timewasting grows. Check out the following Newsweek article just brought to my attention by Allen Mickle here . And a revolution needs...