Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Our friends at Southern Seminary are set for a bumper summer relative to publishing. First, there is the new biography by Tom Nettles of founding president, James Petigru Boyce . Then there are two collections of early Southern Baptist writings from Boyce, Basil Manly Sr., and Basil Manly Jr. The...
Danny Hyde (or is it Danny Jekyll?-- you be the judge) is interviewed about his new book on images of Christ here.
Danny Hyde (or is it Danny Jekyll?-- you be the judge) is interviewed about his new book on images of Christ here.
The ever vigilant Mrs Peel spotted this story which may be of interest to readers. Easy to score cheapshots off such things, but I would argue it is a mixed bag, not a total disaster. The use of psalms is surely something to be welcomed; and prayers for chief executives, considering the power they...
The ever vigilant Mrs Peel spotted this story which may be of interest to readers. Easy to score cheapshots off such things, but I would argue it is a mixed bag, not a total disaster. The use of psalms is surely something to be welcomed; and prayers for chief executives, considering the power they...
The indefatigable Mrs Peel, glamorous defender of the Reformed faith, has brought the following story to my attention: a church that allows mail order communion (in batches of up to 500. I admit defeat: this is beyond satire. Check it out for yourself here . The only problem with the admirable...
The indefatigable Mrs Peel, glamorous defender of the Reformed faith, has brought the following story to my attention: a church that allows mail order communion (in batches of up to 500. I admit defeat: this is beyond satire. Check it out for yourself here . The only problem with the admirable...
The news that Britain has elected two members of the far-right British National Party to the European Parliament is surely bad news for all. Any observer of the political scene in Britain over the last twenty five years can be in no doubt about the violent and racist underpinnings of what is, in...
The news that Britain has elected two members of the far-right British National Party to the European Parliament is surely bad news for all. Any observer of the political scene in Britain over the last twenty five years can be in no doubt about the violent and racist underpinnings of what is, in...
Westminster has posted a video interview of Greg Beale, by Dave Garner and myself, on its webpage here . Greg is joining WTS as an adjunct next academic year. In addition, he was recently voted (unanimously by both Faculty and Board, making me rethink my motto that the man who has no enemies has no...