Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Westminster has posted a video interview of Greg Beale, by Dave Garner and myself, on its webpage here . Greg is joining WTS as an adjunct next academic year. In addition, he was recently voted (unanimously by both Faculty and Board, making me rethink my motto that the man who has no enemies has no...
Henry Gysen and the gents over at The Reformed Fellowship have just published Danny Hyde's latest book, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace. Don't let Danny's inability to spell `colour' correctly put you off. This is a fine exposition of the Second Commandment and, for those...
Henry Gysen and the gents over at The Reformed Fellowship have just published Danny Hyde's latest book, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace. Don't let Danny's inability to spell `colour' correctly put you off. This is a fine exposition of the Second Commandment and, for those...
To avoid creating further grief for my colleagues at Ref21, I have posted my thoughts on the Church of Scotland decisions over at Scott Clark's place . Thanks to Scott for accommodating me.
To avoid creating further grief for my colleagues at Ref21, I have posted my thoughts on the Church of Scotland decisions over at Scott Clark's place . Thanks to Scott for accommodating me.
More from Marquart, this time on the history of liberal advocacy of tolerance in the Missouri Synod in the late 60s and early 70s: One question...ought to be faced. It has to do with the well-known claim of the 'moderates' that they represent brotherly tolerance, healthy 'diversity,' 'liberating...
More from Marquart, this time on the history of liberal advocacy of tolerance in the Missouri Synod in the late 60s and early 70s: One question...ought to be faced. It has to do with the well-known claim of the 'moderates' that they represent brotherly tolerance, healthy 'diversity,' 'liberating...
Here's another quotation from Marquart, this time on the language of `politics:' Church politics, like beauty, is largely in the eye of the beholder. My "politics" is likely to be somebody else's "responsible leadership" and vice versa. It all depends on whose ox is being gored. As long as there...
Here's another quotation from Marquart, this time on the language of `politics:' Church politics, like beauty, is largely in the eye of the beholder. My "politics" is likely to be somebody else's "responsible leadership" and vice versa. It all depends on whose ox is being gored. As long as there...
Readers of Ref21 will know that, given my understanding of the importance of the church and her courts, I don't like trials by blog, petition, or tabloid press. When someone has an issue with an office bearer in their denomination, the courts of the church are the way to pursue the matter, decently...