http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzZ14Sk9u9Y Any thoughts?
Here is a link to a message from the Building Bridges conference delivered by Jeff Noblit ( "More Liberal Than Ever Before" ). When you get a chance I would encourage you to listen. It is powerful stuff.
“There is a kind of faith that comes from seeing miraculous signs, but true faith comes through the words of Scripture and the words of Jesus… ‘Now while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs He was doing and believed in His name. But Jesus would not...
Tom Ascol over at Founders links to an article ( Missouri Baptists axe Acts 29 ) about a recent decision by the Missouri Baptist Convention to refuse support to any Southern Baptist church plants that are connected to the Acts 29 Network. Acts 29 is a church planting ministry originating from Mars...
Justin Taylor has posted links to a few "best books" lists ( Best Books of 2007? ).
This is a helpful post from Pure Church ( How to Spend a Day with God ). Check it out.
I have a few rules for devotional books: 1. They must be biblical. A good devotional book will be guided by God's Word. It is not simply a thought for the day from someone who happens to be a Christian. 2. They must drive the reader further into the Scriptures. A good devotional book needs to be a...
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has posted some outstanding messages. Follow this link ( http://www.sebts.edu/chapel/chapelMessages.cfm ) and you will find the messages from the Building Bridges Conference which are worth the hearing. It includes Al Mohler's message which was thought to...
Paul Martin has posted a review of Rick Phillips excellent book "Jesus the Evangelist" ( Jesus the Evangelist by Rick Phillips ). Phillips is one of my favorite preachers. This book, like all of his books, is a great example of sound theology and motivating application.
I have often heard it said that God never violates man's free will. I'm not sure how that statement is squared with Scripture. These words from Jonathan Edwards help to shed light on that idea ( http://www.desiringgod.org/Blog/970_does_heaven_destroy_liberty/ ).