http://youtube.com/v/tyZcwnO794k This is a great satire. I cannot help but think about modern Westerner's tendency to turn everything that makes them uncomfortable into a crisis.
Recently, New Testament scholar Ben Witherington has criticized John Piper and the forthcoming "New Testament Theology" by Tom Schriener. Justin Taylor provides a link to a brief but helpful response to Witherington by Piper ( Piper Responds to Witherington ). Inexplicably, Dr. Witherington...
I am so thankful for the people of Metro East. I am grateful that they allow me the opportunity to attend important conferences. I am writing this post from Paducah, Kentucky. I decided to make a road trip out of the journey to North Carolina. I'll arrive in time tomorrow for the first session. The...
I am safely in Asheville. Man! That's a long drive. But it was beautiful trip. The Smokey Mountains are beautiful. I am thankful to be here. It's late (11:35 eastern). The opening sessions were outstanding. I will post more about those in the morning. Please take advantage of the audio provided by...
Dr. Sam Storms responds to Ben Witherington here ( http://www.enjoyinggodministries.com/enjoying-god/a-brief-response-to-ben-witherington/ ). This is an important debate people.
The Building Bridges conference kicked off well today. Unfortunately, I arrived in Asheville just late enough to miss David Dockery's sesssion. I look forward to getting the CD. However, I was able to hear Tom Nettles' address on the historic union of Calvinism and Baptists. I would love every...
http://youtube.com/v/IrczyFvkv8Q Someone sent this to me a few months ago. Isaac Watts it aint!
The evening sessions on Monday featured James Merrit, pastor of Cross Point Church and past president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Merritt did a fine job but the evening belonged to Mohler. His message was deeply moving. I...
Throughout the sessions today I was struck that this is truly a new thing for Southern Baptists – a conference dedicated to doctrinal precision. What is more, it is the goal of Building Bridges to promote understanding and encourage unity among Southern Baptists who differ over the biblical...
Pure Church has a link to the audio from the Sovereign Grace Leadership Conference ( Around the Blog in 80 Seconds ). There are some great messages here!