Phillip Melanchthon, Martin Luther’s faithful friend and successor in the German reformation wrote in his Loci , “We do better to adore the mysteries of deity than to investigate them.” To be sure, there is much mystery in contemplating such divine themes as the incarnation, the virgin birth, the...
Justin Taylor has posted some great insight from D.A. Carson on Paul's parting words to the Ephesian elders ( "The Whole Counsel of God" ). Every preacher must share this burden. We are not commissioned to teach the wisdom of man. We are not called to suit the whims of man. God calls men to preach...
Good stuff from Russel Moore posted at "Paleoevangelical": "Would you vote for a candidate who agrees with you on every issue, except that he's a white supremacist?"
Wade Burleson engages in some very effective satire ( Abstaining from Tea Drinking ).
Denny Burk has an interesting post on Ben Witherington's recent comments about a forthcoming book on New Testament theology ( dennyburk.com/?p=958 ). What is of interest about this discussion is the matter of God and His concern for His glory. Check out the post and the comments section.
In the November issue of Touchstone Magazine ( http://www.touchstonemag.com/ ) there is an excellent forum on evangelicalism. I encourage you to read it. Russel Moore of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and regular contributor to Touchstone is featured.