The Battle of the Bands

The Battle of the Bands

It may not be quite as significant as the moment when Jimmy met Robert met John met John PaulLed Zep.jpg but, if you want to kill a bit of time while waiting for the levee to break, the latest Mortification of Spin is available.  Not exactly Batman and Robin meet Spiderman and Thor but, hey, we're on a budget here and don't want to find ourselves in the Puppetmaster's bad books.  This show is a happy half hour when Todd meets me meets Dan meets Frank to talk cessationism. When the Mortifiers of Spin meet the Pyromaniacs, you can expect all the hallmarks of our respective approaches to evangelical life: subtlety, understatement, charitable ambiguities, plenty of agreements to differ, no jokes, unconditional respect for and deference to the Top Men, and a decisive preference for centres over boundaries.  We can also assure you that, as always, we will refuse to criticize anyone we haven't first taken out for a skimmed pumpkin latte made from organic coffee beans at the fair trade cafe.   Oh, and by the way, don't miss the point when the Vatican spokesman calls in to the program to confirm that the Pope is not Catholic.  How he got our number, goodness knows.