The Revolution Starts to Devour Her Own Children

The Revolution Starts to Devour Her Own Children

I noted in a post last week that modern campus feminists and the lobby groups of the the politics of sexual identity should, if consistent, be on a collision course.

Well, an article in the British press indicates that it happened this week when death threats and a campaign of hatemail forced a leading lesbian to withdraw from a debate.  In spineless Giglio style, she did her best to distance herself from her earlier comments about transsexuals (presumably it is no longer a central part of her ministry) but to no avail.   Allow biology a role in your politics of identity and you are in big trouble.

The real bad news, of course, is for Christians who like to be liked.  I am afraid that defending the objective givenness of human nature will soon appear as obscurantist as defending the historical Adam and as hateful as racism.  Enjoy those cocktails at those book signings in New York while you can.    The definition of hate crime looks set to expand.

And remember: even though I am cessationist, you heard it here first.