Singing in the rain!

Singing in the rain!

Good morning, good morning!  What a week it has been: all the Elvises have apparently left the building,good morning.jpg all the respectable evangelical players are falling over themselves to affirm rap music, and it seems that the gospel-centred consensus is that Christian journalism is a legitimate calling, but only for adulatory fan boys.  If my powers of prophecy keep proving this accurate, I may have to reconsider my cessationist convictions.   In fact, I hope my student Tim Brindle (hey, I may be OPC but I have rap cred too) will do a hip hop song about these recent events  at some point -- at least once I have finished teaching him classic English slang.  When you hear the words 'bloke,' 'geezer,' and 'gobsmacked' in some American urban reformed gospel hit, you will know which UK ex-pat is responsible.

Anyway, amidst all the painfully earnest evangelical correctness and predictably pious silences, we good morning 2.jpgare pleased to present to you a new Bully Pulpit, where the whole gang is here and is willing to comment at this time on the importance of citing sources, on not 'nicking' passages from other people's books (as Tim Brindle would no doubt say), on having freedom of the Christian press, and on other matters of the moment.  But that is Ref21 all over: speaking truth to PR since 2005 (except, of course, when the Puppetmaster or some other vested interest says otherwise).  But, hey, we just think of ourselves as two blokes and a bird having a cheeky pop or two at the dodgy gaffers of American reformed evangelicalism.