Hobson on Liberalism, PJ on Cubans
Hobson on Liberalism, PJ on Cubans
July 1, 2014
Scot McKnight recently invited me to review the fascinating book, Reinventing Liberal Christianity, on his blog. It appears here. The book is well-worth a look, both for its provocative argument and for the exceptional clarity of the prose (making at least one of the Amazon reviews really quite bizarre).
For those who think the appearance of Scot and myself on the same webpage could be a sign of
the imminence of the parousia, rest assured that ours is a friendship built not upon the fulfillment of any Isaianic prophecy but a mutual love of decent Scotch and the writings William Hazlitt, Joseph Epstein and P.J. O'Rourke (I take credit for the last one). And we share a number of dislikes too, best left unspecified.
While we're at it, here is a recent piece of PJ in action. Enjoy the prose even if you do not like cigars.
For those who think the appearance of Scot and myself on the same webpage could be a sign of

While we're at it, here is a recent piece of PJ in action. Enjoy the prose even if you do not like cigars.