Dispatches from LaLaLand
Dispatches from LaLaLand
March 10, 2014
The Transadvocate reports another case of dastardly and unacceptable cisgender oppression. This time, a transgender person has been refused permission to compete as a woman at the Crossfit Games. In a letter apparently 'reeking of transphobia and cisgenderism' (but, to give them credit, not trans*phobia), Crossfit told the person concerned that she still had the genetic make-up of a man and therefore had a distinct physical advantage over women who were, to quote Lady Gaga, born that way.
We at Ref21 have, of course, been proud to be in the vanguard of calling for the end of the oppressive cisgenderism that has perpetuated the oppressively bourgeois categories of 'Men's Sports' and 'Women's Sports.' The sooner we all compete on the same field, the better. And I am reliably informed that traditional, born-from-birth women, anachronistic, oppressive, and passe as they are, will still prove able to hold their own at big-money sports like curling, tiddly winks, and canasta.
In the meantime, as Crossfit claim to 'embrace cross gender athletes,' I am inclined to point
them to the wise words of the great English poet-philosopher, Ray Davies, who reminds us all that embracing people carries a certain amount of physical risk:
We at Ref21 have, of course, been proud to be in the vanguard of calling for the end of the oppressive cisgenderism that has perpetuated the oppressively bourgeois categories of 'Men's Sports' and 'Women's Sports.' The sooner we all compete on the same field, the better. And I am reliably informed that traditional, born-from-birth women, anachronistic, oppressive, and passe as they are, will still prove able to hold their own at big-money sports like curling, tiddly winks, and canasta.
In the meantime, as Crossfit claim to 'embrace cross gender athletes,' I am inclined to point

Well I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola
Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women." - See more at: http://www.transadvocate.com/transgender-woman-chloie-jonsson-sues-cross...
"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women." - See more at: http://www.transadvocate.com/transgender-woman-chloie-jonsson-sues-cross...
reeking of cisgenderism and transphobia
reeking of cisgenderism and transphobia