Aimee Byrd: Mistress of Spin

Aimee Byrd: Mistress of Spin

The latest Mortification of Spin is up.  It is an interview we did a while back with Aimee Byrd
Non PC.jpgabout her new book.  One listener recently told us that we are 'one of the last outposts against the political correctness and bland conformity being spread abroad in the conservative evangelical world.'   And so, having been instructed by the Puppetmaster to reinforce the theological biker bar ethos of the program, we thought Benatar.jpgwe could find no better way of achieving this than by bringing on board a rough-n-tough West Virginia housewife.  After searching high and low, we settled on La Byrd (left), who blogs over at Housewife Theologian. We have a second interview already in the can with Aimee, in which she speaks candidly about her passion for mixed martial arts and which leading member of the YRR Todd and I believe she could easily smack down in the ring.  She is also set to join the MoS team in the Underground Bunker as a frequent co-host -- or should that be 'sparring partner.'    The Byrd's in town.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.