The Housewife Theologian

The Housewife Theologian

Instead of a Reading Reflection, I thought I would give a short conference reflection. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals put on a conference in Bethesda, MD titled, What is the Church? Michael Horton, Greg Gilbert, and Robert Norris were the speakers. This subject seems simple, but what...
I am blessed with many Christian friends affiliated with various Christian denominations. Back when I owned my coffee shop, several friends I met through there asked me to start a women’s bible study. We were an eclectic group, including Baptists (Southern and Independent), Pentecostals,...
Innocent Blood , John Ensor (CruciformPress, 2011) This is the September release for CruciformPress. It is a very motivating and eye-awakening book on the horror of abortion. For instance, this statistic makes me want to puke: According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned...
My 9-year-old daughter, Zaidee, and two of her classmates decided to do a Social Studies Fair project on America after 9-11. You know what that means: mommy’s going to be doing a lot of “helping.” With that in mind, I wanted to narrow our topic to something more interesting than how it’s changed...
I read a blog post this week that stimulated some reflection. Now I’m thinking that I should do more Reading Reflections on blog posts, isn’t that why we write them? While I hope my reflections on the books I read inspire you to read some of them as well, it is both free and expedient to throw you...
Now there’s a comeback that I hated to hear as a child. I remember making a mental note when I was like 8 years old that I would never give, “because I said so,” as an explanation. I wanted to really know why my parents were making the decisions they were making. I mean come on, I was 8,...
T he Weight of Glory , C. S. Lewis, (Harper One, 1949) My last article beckoned me to return to this wonderful essay of Lewis’s. I think Spurgeon’s use of the word sublime made me think of Lewis. This excerpt from his essay lends well to the far-sighted vision I was talking about: And this brings...
So I mentioned in my last article that I have a new dog, Weezy, who is afraid of everything. She doesn’t seem to realize that instead of breeding in a kennel, she is now a pet for a loving family. And although she loves to run around the yard with her “special collar” on, she will not go out there...
What is the Mission of the Church?, Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert (Crossway, 2011) The title of this book has been a cultural hot topic lately. Many believe the church should spend less time proclaiming, and more time getting their hands dirty in the more important business of cultural renewal...
We have a new dog. Her name is Weezy. She is a 2 ½ year old Labradoodle who has had two litters of pups for a professional breeder. They like to retire their mommies early so they can also find a nice home and enjoy a family life. It sounds so romantic doesn’t it? And Weezy is such a good little...