The Housewife Theologian

The Housewife Theologian

The True Believer , Jonathan Edwards, Edited by Dr. Don Kistler (Soli Deo Gloria, 2001) This book is a collection of sermons by Jonathan Edwards. The sermon I am quoting from is titled, Christians a Chosen Generation, preached on verse 1 Peter 2:9, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal...
I remember back in college my roommate, Michelle, brought home the movie The Usual Suspects . We spent the afternoon enthralled in this 1995 film. The movie begins with a ship massacre and explosion, where Roger “Verbal” Kint, played by Kevin Spacey, is one of only two survivors. The other survivor...
I read a blog today that had a great point. The title: Don’t Preach Santa to Yourself , written by Gloria Furman. With the stores getting all their Christmas on already, Gloria realizes how we sometimes treat our spiritual lives like our relationship with Santa Claus. Sometimes we fall into the...
What a week! I haven’t been sick in years, and of course I have to get some mystery illness. I was convinced I had the flu, and that I was getting better. Turns out, no matter how hard you try, you can’t will yourself to get better (I know, there’s a huge spiritual analogy there). After having this...
Him We Proclaim , Dennis Johnson (P&R, 2007) So this massive volume has been sitting on my shelf for almost a year now, intimidating me. Well, it’s not that massive, but well over 400 pages of scholarly material. In God’s providence I have had a pretty good (meaning bad) case of the flu all...
My oldest daughter, Solanna, is in the seventh grade. Do you remember the seventh grade? Middle school in general is just a strange period. Especially in our age, where the whole decade of your twenties is considered as glorified adolescence, what is the role of a middle-schooler? These poor kids...
Getting Back Into the Race , Joel R. Beeke (CruciformPress, 2011) There just aren’t many books out addressing the issue of the backsliding Christian. I imagine one reason is the marketability—I mean, how many backsliders are really going to go buy a book about their condition? And I don’t think...
Sometimes when you start something, you’re not really sure where it’s going to take you. I was thinking about this the other day while I was praying (on my front porch again—good spot lately). I often pray about my writing on this blog, that I would not continue if it just became a perfunctory task...
Glory Road , Edited by Anthony Carter (Crossway, 2009) The subtitle to this book is, The Journeys of 10 African-Americans into Reformed Christianity . This is a topic that I have been interested in lately, so I bumped it up a couple of notches in my “books to read” pile. Something about the cover...
I’m not a good small-talker. Or I should say, when I am, I return home feeling empty and unsatisfied. It’s kind of like going to one of those impressive, gourmet restaurants for dinner. Everything looks fancy and important, the bill is certainly heavy, but when you get home you find yourself...