

Postmodernism has produced an heir, and its name is Consensus. Four years ago, the Oxford Dictionary announced that “post-truth” was its word of the year. Post-truth refers to our contemporary sense of justice, in which objective reality and facts bow the knee to personal emotions and beliefs. Ravi...
As a Christian, I want to view the coronavirus pandemic through the lens of the Bible, especially Romans 8:28–29: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be...
Every culture assumes facts about God and man. They are like glasses through which we view life. Most are unaware that they have them on, or they differ from the assumptions of other times and places. Yet the truth is that our cultural lenses are unique, and they are constantly changing. In recent...
The coronavirus is another stark reminder that we are mortal. We are all going to die, one way or another, but in moments like these we are forced to consider the reality of our own death. For the vast majority of us, there is a good chance that this virus will not claim our lives... but you never...
I recently saw a funny post on Pinterest entitled "Response to Coronavirus Threat by Enneagram Number." Apparently a Four “broods over indignity of possibility of getting the same illness as everyone else,” while an Eight is “annoyed by CDC updates. Washes hands less in defiance.” Funny as they are...
Where is Jesus today? One might assume that because Jesus is God the Son, He is present anywhere and everywhere. Indeed, He is! According to His divine nature, He is omni present. Our interest, however, is not in His omni presence , but His blessed presence. Granted, that too can be manifested...
Editor's Note: This address was originally delivered at the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology in 1974 . The present form has been adapted with permission from Our Sovereign God (Baker, 1977, pp. 147–153). An optimist does not cut a very impressive figure among Chris­tians. There are too...
Let’s try an experiment: How would you define the phrase “Roman Catholic”? If I put that question to a group of people, would everyone give the same definition? Most likely not, and for various reasons, such as cultural origin, previous exposure to the phrase, or religious bckground (some former...
Note: This piece follows up on Friday’s reformation21 post, A Trans Memorial in an Evangelical Chapel . In the wake of last week’s news about the Transluminate short-play festival having been held (two years in a row) on premises owned and maintained by Memorial Presbyterian Church (PCA) in St...
The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology is the oldest continually operating Reformed conference in the United States. And it's little wonder why; since 1974, PCRT has edified thousands with clear, sound teaching from God's Word. The conference has covered a variety of topics over the years...