

The Gospel Coalition has published a review of a new documentary, American Gospel: Christ Crucified . In the review, Caleb Wait makes two critiques of the documentary. The purpose of this post is to show how these critiques are seriously misguided. Did God Kill Jesus? First, Wait critiques Voddie...
Last month, the Atlantic published a provocative and fascinating article which, given its title, could not have come at a more poignantly ironic moment: “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake” . The article classifies the American obsession with nuclear families as a chronological aberration of the...
There are voices in the larger evangelical world that are finding the silver lining, and even celebrating, the shift of American Christianity en masse to online worship services. Attractional church growth guru, Carey Nieuhwhof, has claimed , with much enthusiasm, that “church growth” spiked 300%...
Social media has been ablaze (once again) with people weighing in on the latest scandal to hit the church: Allegations of abuse within the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the inaction of some of its pastors. The report makes for sorry reading; the responses to it make for sorrier reading. Let me...
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" — John 10:11 Among the most cherished titles of Christ is that of “The Good Shepherd.” Never resting, ever vigilant, exposed to the elements, vulnerable to predators, the beloved Shepherd persists in leading, caring,...
A few weeks ago, due to the present coronavirus pandemic, our Session decided to postpone face-to-face assemblies of worship at the church building electing (for a time) to serve Christ and our covenanted saints through online Lord’s Day webcasts. [1] This decision was not unanimous but we moved...
What Augustine Can Teach Us About Biblical Interpretation It is no secret that Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine influenced biblical interpretation for centuries to come. He influenced, for example, Thomas Aquinas, a Roman Catholic, and William Whitaker, a Protestant who influenced the formulation...
It was a pleasant summer evening in Caldwell, Idaho, and my wife and I were sitting in our home watching some TV. The year was 2012. Suddenly my cell phone rang: It was my older brother, calling me to let me know that my dad—who had moved from the Seattle area to Eastern Washington six and a half...
Editor's Note: The following has been adapted from a chapter in Atonement , edited by Gabriel Fluhrer (P&R, 2010). Find the rest of this chapter and more at . Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and...
Abraham was walking up Mount Moriah when his son, Isaac, asked, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” (Gen. 22:7). God was testing Abraham’s faith, having commanded him to offer his son as a sacrifice at this place. Scholars have long wondered how Abraham...