

Writing in the October 23 edition of the Los Angeles Times, Wellesley Professor Mary Lefkowitz says, "Prominent secular and atheist commentators have argued lately that religion 'poisons' human life and causes endless violence and suffering. But the poison isn't religion; it's monotheism. The...
Rick Phillips
Scott Clark reports a fascinating but entirely predictable progression in the Reformed world's theological rift these days. The axiom holds true: one is moving either in the direction of Rome or of Geneva. You also have to give Scott credit for a nifty title to his blog entry.
Rick Phillips
Noll's article is an excellent topic for discussion. I thought he hit on a number of important issues, a few of which prompt some comments from me. I particularly appreciated his comment that "singing is a deeply rooted expression of culture." In this respect, I think that the evidence indicates...
A beautiful festschrift for R. Kent Hughes has just been released by Crossway Books. The full title reads: Preach the Word: Essays on Expository Preaching: In Honor of R. Kent Hughes . The editors are Leland Ryken (truth in advertising: Leland is my father) and Todd Wilson. For those who may not...
I'm just back from the annual ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) gathering, this year in San Diego. I suppose anyone who's anyone in evangelicalism pops in and this year no less than John Piper and David Wells gave papers. Piper's was the talk of the conference, both pro and contra -- ETS...
Justin Taylor
Derek, great to see you at ETS! Here is the audio and the manuscript and the video of Piper's address on "Justification and the Diminishing Work of Christ."
" Thursday, November 3 -- Spent this day in secret fasting and prayer, from morning till night. Early in the morning, had some assistance in prayer. Afterwards, read the story of Elijah the prophet. My soul was much moved, observing the faith, zeal, and power of that holy man, how he wrestled with...
Rodney Trotter
Yes, the Ref21 offices have received news of a book being written on R J Rushdoony, that outstanding historian and scholar, and the aspiring author has requested the editor to call on our beloved friend and occasional blogger, Carl Trueman, to repent of his attitude to the great man and the...
A suitable aspiration for Thanksgiving: " Lord's Day, April 21. --In the morning, calm and composed, with some outgoings of soul after God in secret duties, and longing desires for His presence in the sanctuary and at His table; that His presence might be in the assembly, and that His children...
Rodney Trotter This article left me all shook up, especially given the rumours that Rev Steve Caprice is the stage name of none other than Wales' finest, Derek Thomas. Is this so? Come on Derek, I think we should be told!