

Iain D Campbell
Channel 4, one of the UK's network TV channels, has recently been running a history of Christianity, fronted by some well-known figures. I have already blogged on the first episode, which pretty much argued that Christianity is anti-Semitic at heart. You can read my piece here . The latest episode...
Iain D Campbell
It is a pleasure to recommend this latest book on The Lord's Supper by my friend and colleague Dr Malcolm Maclean of Scalpay Free Church . What I like about it is not only the survey of the biblical, historical and theological basis of the Supper, but the emphasis on what it is that makes the Lord'...
Iain D Campbell
My friend Gary Brady has been blogging on the Affinity Theological Conference at which I recently gave a paper on the threefold dvision of the law. The subject was 'The End of the Law?' and attracted about 140 delegates. The central questions revolved around the application of the Decalogue today,...
Justin Taylor
You can now listen to or read John Piper's biographical address on George Whitefield, delivered this morning at the DG Pastors' Conference:
Dr. Greg Beale's new book, The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism (Crossway, 2009), has appeared. The Christ the Center panel, augmented by Dr. Carl R. Trueman, interacts with Dr. Greg K. Beale, the Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament and coordinator of the MA program in Biblical...
Rodney Trotter
It seems that Trueman's one man war against the frappucino swilling navel-gazing soul patch wearing `Everything's like, totally awesome and, y'know let's like change the name of our church to `The Happening' and stuff!' brigade is gaining ground. Check out the video at the following link, brought...
Rodney Trotter
Check out the latest piece of post-Stryper/Christian hair rock scholarly hirsutological analysis of the Old Testament here . Dr Jue, esteemed church historian at Westminster Seminary brought it to my attention and has already recommended it to the Bookstore there there for bulk purchase. What will...
I am in New York teaching a D.Min module to our Korean brothers on the topic of Reformed Experiential Preaching. Well, someone has to go to New York! Today, among other things, we took a look at the "The Directory for the Public Worship of God" (approved in1645 by an ordinance of Parliament to...
In studying to preach Ecclesiastes, I came across this gem in the classic commentary by Charles Bridges, referring to the prayer that the tax collector offers in Luke 18:13 : "The publican's prayer will suit to the very last breath--nothing better--contrition for sin--confidence in the propitiation...
The Calvin 500 is a major international celebration of the life, ministry, theology, and legacy of John Calvin. The event is scheduled for July 5 to 9 in Geneva, Switzerland. A good number of Council Members from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals will be present to teach or to preach at the...