Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

The latest Mortification of Spin is up. It is an interview we did a while back with Aimee Byrd about her new book . One listener recently told us that we are 'one of the last outposts against the political correctness and bland conformity being spread abroad in the conservative evangelical world.'...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up. It is an interview we did a while back with Aimee Byrd about her new book . One listener recently told us that we are 'one of the last outposts against the political correctness and bland conformity being spread abroad in the conservative evangelical world.'...
This week sees the publication of Aimee Byrd's long awaited tome, The Housewife Theologian which comes with stellar commendations from sound ladies such as Susan Hunt and Gloria Furman. Todd and I interview Aimee about her book on the Mortification of Spin this Wednesday. We are also delighted to...
This week sees the publication of Aimee Byrd's long awaited tome, The Housewife Theologian which comes with stellar commendations from sound ladies such as Susan Hunt and Gloria Furman. Todd and I interview Aimee about her book on the Mortification of Spin this Wednesday. We are also delighted to...
While my online reading is generally confined to British newspapers, a friend brought to my attention this morning that Tim Challies had kindly linked to my post on transformationalism from earlier this week. Said friend was disturbed not by the link but one of the thread comments which recounted a...
While my online reading is generally confined to British newspapers, a friend brought to my attention this morning that Tim Challies had kindly linked to my post on transformationalism from earlier this week. Said friend was disturbed not by the link but one of the thread comments which recounted a...
Michael Milton has posted a prayer for Christians in Egypt. Given the upsurge in violence against believers there in recent days, it is important to remember our brothers and sisters who face imminent danger.
Michael Milton has posted a prayer for Christians in Egypt. Given the upsurge in violence against believers there in recent days, it is important to remember our brothers and sisters who face imminent danger.
How does one judge that one is growing old? In Britain, it is typically thought to be when the policemen start to look younger. Over here, I have a sneaking suspicion that it is when you read cigar aficionado D. G.Hart and find yourself nodding in agreement. Like admiring Simon Heffer, it is one of...
How does one judge that one is growing old? In Britain, it is typically thought to be when the policemen start to look younger. Over here, I have a sneaking suspicion that it is when you read cigar aficionado D. G.Hart and find yourself nodding in agreement. Like admiring Simon Heffer, it is one of...