Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Scot McKnight recently invited me to review the fascinating book, Reinventing Liberal Christianity , on his blog. It appears here . The book is well-worth a look, both for its provocative argument and for the exceptional clarity of the prose (making at least one of the Amazon reviews really quite...
Scot McKnight recently invited me to review the fascinating book, Reinventing Liberal Christianity , on his blog. It appears here . The book is well-worth a look, both for its provocative argument and for the exceptional clarity of the prose (making at least one of the Amazon reviews really quite...
Tom Chantry has some very helpful thoughts on celebrity over at his blog . I might add just one thing: as he points out, the matter becomes very dangerous when the leader becomes the creed; we might expand and rephrase that by saying that it is dangerous when the leader or even the church itself...
Tom Chantry has some very helpful thoughts on celebrity over at his blog . I might add just one thing: as he points out, the matter becomes very dangerous when the leader becomes the creed; we might expand and rephrase that by saying that it is dangerous when the leader or even the church itself...
The OPC has made available Ned Stonehouse's biography of Machen and Rian's The Presbyterian Conflict as free ebooks for Kindle and iPad. You can find them here . Just as every Englishman should watch this at least once a year, so every Presbyterian should read Rian annually, just for inspirational...
The OPC has made available Ned Stonehouse's biography of Machen and Rian's The Presbyterian Conflict as free ebooks for Kindle and iPad. You can find them here . Just as every Englishman should watch this at least once a year, so every Presbyterian should read Rian annually, just for inspirational...
As opening sentences go, 'Some of my best friends are Anglicans' has that portentously worrying ring about it which one also finds in 'I'm not a racist but...' Yet it seems appropriate when commenting briefly on a small volume which was thrust into my hands by Colin the Book in Dublin last week:...
As opening sentences go, 'Some of my best friends are Anglicans' has that portentously worrying ring about it which one also finds in 'I'm not a racist but...' Yet it seems appropriate when commenting briefly on a small volume which was thrust into my hands by Colin the Book in Dublin last week:...
Plagiarism is wrong, relatively common, and, perhaps inevitably, increasingly acceptable amongst brand name ministers and their benighted followers. Thus, in this week's MoS the team tackle the issue head on. First, however, we need to discuss the all important matter of Father's Day presents. And...
Plagiarism is wrong, relatively common, and, perhaps inevitably, increasingly acceptable amongst brand name ministers and their benighted followers. Thus, in this week's MoS the team tackle the issue head on. First, however, we need to discuss the all important matter of Father's Day presents. And...