Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

I picked up a copy of the excellent left wing thinker, Nick Cohen's, latest book, What's Left? (Harper Perennial) while I was in the UK the other week. It's essentially an analysis, by a man of the left, of the moral and intellectual crisis that exists on the left of British politics. His analysis...
I picked up a copy of the excellent left wing thinker, Nick Cohen's, latest book, What's Left? (Harper Perennial) while I was in the UK the other week. It's essentially an analysis, by a man of the left, of the moral and intellectual crisis that exists on the left of British politics. His analysis...
Shhhh, Del. If you keep pointing out all this stuff, you'll shatter my reputation among the attack dogs of the evangelical left (OK, I know they only do it out of love, so I won't be too hard on them) as a ruthless intellectually luddite rottweiler whose only purpose in life is to stop people...
Shhhh, Del. If you keep pointing out all this stuff, you'll shatter my reputation among the attack dogs of the evangelical left (OK, I know they only do it out of love, so I won't be too hard on them) as a ruthless intellectually luddite rottweiler whose only purpose in life is to stop people...
A friend down under tells me that Andy McGowan's book is provoking something of a storm and that an invitation to speak at Presbyterian Theological College in Melbourne has been withdrawn. I confess to struggling with what to make of Andy's The Divine Spiration of Scripture (IVP UK). I've known...
A friend down under tells me that Andy McGowan's book is provoking something of a storm and that an invitation to speak at Presbyterian Theological College in Melbourne has been withdrawn. I confess to struggling with what to make of Andy's The Divine Spiration of Scripture (IVP UK). I've known...
I've enjoyed rereading the republished essays of Dr Packer on the atonement in the new Packer-Dever volume from Crossway volume, In My Place Condemned He Stood. Must-reads for all those tired of the childish -- and blasphemous -- superficiality of the `atonement is cosmic child abuse' brigade. I...
I've enjoyed rereading the republished essays of Dr Packer on the atonement in the new Packer-Dever volume from Crossway volume, In My Place Condemned He Stood. Must-reads for all those tired of the childish -- and blasphemous -- superficiality of the `atonement is cosmic child abuse' brigade. I...
I had the great pleasure last week of meeting Rev Danny Hyde, pastor of Oceanside URC in California (a pleasure enhanced by his introducing me to Flanagan's in Grand Rapids). Danny is pastor, so he told me, to a whole collection of surfer dude types whom he has introduced to the treasures of the...
I had the great pleasure last week of meeting Rev Danny Hyde, pastor of Oceanside URC in California (a pleasure enhanced by his introducing me to Flanagan's in Grand Rapids). Danny is pastor, so he told me, to a whole collection of surfer dude types whom he has introduced to the treasures of the...