Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

Mrs. Peel has brought this article to my attention. Once again, it highlights the problematic nature of the exhibitionism inherent in Facebook-type media.
All the fuss surrounding Tiger Woods' potential return to golf has left me wondering about how times have changed. There was a time when it was key for public figures to keep private sleaze private; if it slipped into the public realm, they were finished. That was perhaps overkill: as many have...
All the fuss surrounding Tiger Woods' potential return to golf has left me wondering about how times have changed. There was a time when it was key for public figures to keep private sleaze private; if it slipped into the public realm, they were finished. That was perhaps overkill: as many have...
I don't disagree with what Sean says; but I repeat: the `aha' moment is not application; it is not the end point of the sermon; it is not sufficient in itself to communicate the imperative; it certainly is not where Paul ends his letters; and it isn't where Sean ends his sermons, some of which I...
I don't disagree with what Sean says; but I repeat: the `aha' moment is not application; it is not the end point of the sermon; it is not sufficient in itself to communicate the imperative; it certainly is not where Paul ends his letters; and it isn't where Sean ends his sermons, some of which I...
Derek's comments on a certain kind of Reformed preaching are spot on. If the game is simply to get from Text A to Bethlehem, what do you do with a book like Judges? Preach 200 sermons which essentially say `This judge failed; but, surprise surprise, there is a judge who didn't fail; let's talk...
Derek's comments on a certain kind of Reformed preaching are spot on. If the game is simply to get from Text A to Bethlehem, what do you do with a book like Judges? Preach 200 sermons which essentially say `This judge failed; but, surprise surprise, there is a judge who didn't fail; let's talk...
Karl Barth, as correctly identified by James from Edinburgh, who also raises the question as to why Barthian preaching is, by contrast with the quotation, often deathly dull. My theory is that neo-orthodox writing on preaching is often brilliant because it can never confuse preaching with...
Karl Barth, as correctly identified by James from Edinburgh, who also raises the question as to why Barthian preaching is, by contrast with the quotation, often deathly dull. My theory is that neo-orthodox writing on preaching is often brilliant because it can never confuse preaching with...
Here's an interesting quotation: "Preachers must not be boring. To a large extent the pastor and boredom are synonymous concepts. Listeners often think that they have heard already what is being said in the pulpit. They have long since known it themselves. The fault certainly does not lie with them...