Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

It's been a good month or two for books. In addition to Kevin DeYoung's great little devotional commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, The Good News We Almost Forgot (Moody), there is also J.I. Packer and Gary A. Parrett's learned and provocative argument for putting catchesis back at the heart of...
Just as a postscript to Rick's post: Professor Enns must have changed his mind on the historical Adam since leaving WTS as I have in my possession as Dean a letter from him, dated early 2008, which unequivocally expresses his belief in the historical Adam and its importance for Reformed theology. I...
Just as a postscript to Rick's post: Professor Enns must have changed his mind on the historical Adam since leaving WTS as I have in my possession as Dean a letter from him, dated early 2008, which unequivocally expresses his belief in the historical Adam and its importance for Reformed theology. I...
The Christian Science Monitor has an interesting article on the revival of Calvinism here . It is worth reading to the end for the hilarious sociological/psychological analysis of the movement by Phyllis Tickle: the revival is all about reaction to the Emergent Church, a once-every-500-years...
The Christian Science Monitor has an interesting article on the revival of Calvinism here . It is worth reading to the end for the hilarious sociological/psychological analysis of the movement by Phyllis Tickle: the revival is all about reaction to the Emergent Church, a once-every-500-years...
Hans Kung has fired a fine salvo in the discussion of the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. As usual, his take on his own church is far more astute and perceptive than the many rose-tinted interpretations that are the stock-in-trade of prominent American evangelicals. You can read it here...
Hans Kung has fired a fine salvo in the discussion of the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. As usual, his take on his own church is far more astute and perceptive than the many rose-tinted interpretations that are the stock-in-trade of prominent American evangelicals. You can read it here...
Johann Hari, a journalist for the British newspaper, The Independent , has written an article which lands quite a few good punches on the current religious scene, particularly with reference to the plots to murder the Mohammed cartoonist and the Pope's involvement in covering up the rape of...
Johann Hari, a journalist for the British newspaper, The Independent , has written an article which lands quite a few good punches on the current religious scene, particularly with reference to the plots to murder the Mohammed cartoonist and the Pope's involvement in covering up the rape of...
Mrs. Peel has brought this article to my attention. Once again, it highlights the problematic nature of the exhibitionism inherent in Facebook-type media.