Franklin Graham released the following statement on World Vision's decision to endorse homosexual relationships: I was shocked today to hear of World Vision's decision to hire employees in same-sex marriages. The Bible is clear that marriage is between a man and a woman. My dear friend, Bob Pierce...
I am truly not shocked by the recent announcement by Rich Stearns that World Vision will now employ homosexuals so long as they are "married." Anyone paying attention to World Vision in recent years has noticed a gradual movement away from certain distinctives that once made evangelicalism...
If you are a well known pastor and have been involved in a public scandal that has harmed the reputation of Christ's church (bullying elders, plagiarism, building a 16,000 ft mansion, etc) then you may want to employ the services of a public relations firm. True, there are a few pesky Reformed...
Thesaying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desiresa noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of onewife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a...
The good folks at Matthias Media have posted a nice little article on Leon Morris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Quite simply, Dr. Morris was one of the most important New Testament scholars of the 20th century. In my own study, Leon Morris is one of the first people I look...
The good folks at Matthias Media have posted a nice little article on Leon Morris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Quite simply, Dr. Morris was one of the most important New Testament scholars of the 20th century. In my own study, Leon Morris is one of the first people I look...
On March 12 John Piper was the guest lecturer for the 7th annual Gaffin Lectures at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. The title of Dr. Piper's lecture is "The New Calvinism and the New Community: The Doctrines of Grace and the Meaning of Race." //player.vimeo.com/video/89038134?portrait=0 The...
On March 12 John Piper was the guest lecturer for the 7th annual Gaffin Lectures at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. The title of Dr. Piper's lecture is "The New Calvinism and the New Community: The Doctrines of Grace and the Meaning of Race." The New Calvinism and the New Community from...
Given the topic of the latest Mortification of Spin I thought I'd pass along a few recommendations. For some reason many of the junk books that populate the Christian market are targeted to women. So I'm calling for a holy rebellion against bad, sentimental, mystical, and otherwise silly books for...
The call to be a pastor is one of unparalleled privilege. It is a joy, though a sobering one, to preach God's Word for the benefit of God's people. For battered pastors, however, (and they are numerous) the glad labor of being a pastor has become detrimental to their well-being and that of their...