Church Plant in Charleston

Church Plant in Charleston

Friend of the Alliance, the Rev. Jon Payne, has asked us to post the following announcement of a meeting about the new PCA church plant in Charleston. Anyone attending said meeting might also want to ask him about him being soundly beaten by a much, much older man in the 2012 Charleston Half Marathon.   The answer will offer any inquirer a black-belt masterclass in half-baked excuses.

Kick-Off Informational Meeting
Christ Church Presbyterian (PCA) Church Plant
Charleston, South Carolina

The time has almost arrived! Next Monday, March 25th, at 7:00 p.m., Christ Church Presbyterian Charleston will host an introductory, informational, meet-and-greet meeting for all who may be interested in our new Reformed church plant. The meeting will take place at the beautiful and historic South Carolina Society Hall at 7:00 p.m. (72 Meeting Street, Charleston).  Please take a moment to inform all friends and acquaintances (e.g. by Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.) that you know in the area who may be looking for a church, and who may be interested in what we are doing. Thanks so much. ~ Rev. Jon D. Payne