Church of Scotland Effortlessly Outclasses Ref21!

Church of Scotland Effortlessly Outclasses Ref21!

We at Ref21 are always concerned to cultivate appropriate humility and so it seems only just that we acknowledge that the legendary Sunday morning comedy review, the Church of Scotland, has once again outclassed us on the satire front without even breaking a sweat.

To give you a little taster of the hilarious material to come, here are the opening lines from its latest mockumentary DVD The General Assembly 2013: In Edinburgh Live and Irrelevant (surely that should read 'Irreverent'? Ed.):

"The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in a groundbreaking decision called for the Church to maintain its historic doctrine in relation to human sexuality but, in line with the Kirk's historic position of allowing congregations to call their own minister, to permit an individual Kirk Session to call a minister in a civil partnership if it chooses to do so."

Other spoofs on the DVD include the famous 'Papal Election' sketch:

"The Vatican in a groundbreaking decision called for the Church to maintain its historic doctrine in relation to the Pope being Catholic, but, in line with the Church's historic position of allowing conclaves to call their own Pope, to permit an individual conclave to call a Protestant, Jewish or Mormon Pope if it chooses to do so."

And a welcome bonus feature has the classic "Bears in the Wood" routine:

"The Park Ranger Authority in a groundbreaking decision called for the park to maintain its historic doctrine of allowing bears to relieve themselves in the woods but, in line with the Authority's historic position of allowing Park Rangers to make the rules up as they go along, to shoot any bear seen relieving himself in any place other than a designated Ursine Lavatory."

And now for something completely different.....