Around and about

Around and about

There are a few items of interest in the news today.

First, Westminster Bookstore is offering the Dispatches from the Front DVDs at a discount price.   This series is quite superb and would make excellent additions to a church library and would serve well for Sunday School or mid-week meetings.  They will challenge you, make you thankful for the gospel and help you to pray in a more informed and engaged manner.

Second, news has arrive from the Old Country that the Tron Church, Glasgow, under the leadership of my friend from Aberdeen University days in the late 1980s, the Revd. Willie U J Philip, has voted to secede from the Church of Scotland.  This is a courageous move and we should all pray for Willie, his family, the session and the congregation at this difficult time.

Third, very sad news from Team Pyro.  Head Pyromaniac, Phil Johnson, is stepping aside from his online writing.   For me, the web will never be the same again: TeamPyro is one of the few influential websites (OK, not really influential -- we are talking about the microscopic world of Calvinistic evangelicalism here) that is not owned by the evangelical establishment and is thus able to speak its mind, whatever the official line coming from the Top Men is (kudos to Dan Phillips for the link).    Being blackballed in the same circles as Phil, all I can say is: I tried to learn from the master.  Atque in perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale.  We were not worthy.