Posts by Kevin White

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Christmas has come and gone, and with it the peak time for Protestants to speak fondly about Mary. But regardless of the season, we need not fear acknowledging that the mother of our Lord owns a place of special honor. Though we know little of her life, the Scriptures testify that she was a woman...
December can be a hard month. It does not lack for jolly opportunities. People hang cheerful lights to brighten the early nights. Families gather together. We are surrounded by reminders of Christ’s birth and the blessing that he brings. We might sing special songs in church. We listen to Handel’s...
One thinks of the oddest things while driving to church. One recent Sunday on my morning drive to services I had an unusually strange thought. The saints in heaven worship God and pray to God. [1] If they pray, would they perhaps pray using the Lord’s Prayer, which our Savior taught to us while on...