Phillips, Dever, and the Calcutta Cup
Phillips, Dever, and the Calcutta Cup
March 20, 2009
A few thoughts:
On Rick's ramblings on rugby: this is clearly a point where Proverbs 26:4 applies. So I waive my right to a surrejoinder.
On Mr Dever, I hope Mark is purging his library of all the abominable theology produced by these people who practice what he can't abide. Should leave him with plenty of library space. After all, how much shelf room can be taken up by the complete works of Jimmy Carter and-- umm, you know, that book by the guy from the telly with the beard and the wife with the big hair......
And for tomorrow -- my theology may be Scottish but my soul is English. As always, Calcutta Cup day is a tense one in the mixed-race marriage Trueman household as England will no doubt demonstrate their mastery of a truly beautiful game over their Celtic neighbours. After all, I was born on Calcutta Cup day; we won (no surpsie there); and my father never forgave me for arriving just in time to stop him from watching the game.
On Rick's ramblings on rugby: this is clearly a point where Proverbs 26:4 applies. So I waive my right to a surrejoinder.
On Mr Dever, I hope Mark is purging his library of all the abominable theology produced by these people who practice what he can't abide. Should leave him with plenty of library space. After all, how much shelf room can be taken up by the complete works of Jimmy Carter and-- umm, you know, that book by the guy from the telly with the beard and the wife with the big hair......
And for tomorrow -- my theology may be Scottish but my soul is English. As always, Calcutta Cup day is a tense one in the mixed-race marriage Trueman household as England will no doubt demonstrate their mastery of a truly beautiful game over their Celtic neighbours. After all, I was born on Calcutta Cup day; we won (no surpsie there); and my father never forgave me for arriving just in time to stop him from watching the game.