Systematic Theology

It has happened a few times before. It happened again recently. Someone without a good church gets in touch, referred by a mutual friend. Or someone drops an email asking for advice. Or there is a conversation at a conference with someone who has come looking for help, counsel, refuge. Somewhere...
Michael P Jensen
In the first of this series , and last time , I set out to explore Professor Katherine Sonderegger's Systematic Theology, Volume 1: The Doctrine of God . Having established the meaning of the fundamental and perfect Oneness of God, she next turns to the Omnipresence of God. In successive chapters,...
Michael P Jensen
Last time , I proposed to share with you my 'reading notes' on Katherine Sonderegger's new Systematic Theology, Volume 1: The Doctrine of God . There are plenty of big books in the world to which one could commit cash and time. Why this one? Well, my answer to that is a bit of a hunch: I heard Prof...
Michael P Jensen
I've been slowly working my way through Katherine Sonderegger's Systematic Theology Volume 1: The Doctrine of God . Released this year, it is the sort of book that pastor-theologians or theological students could make the focus of a reading group. It is beautifully written, fresh, biblical in...
I have the delightful day job of teaching systematic or dogmatic theology. The study and teaching of systematic theology is delightful because systematic theology is preeminently concerned with the Bible, the living and loving address of the Most High God to poor and miserable sinners in the gospel...
Systematic theology must make sure that each doctrine it teaches is biblical. It must also make sure that each doctrine it teaches reflects an appropriate proportion and order in relationship to other doctrines. This proportion and order is determined by the shape of biblical teaching--"the pattern...
Donald Macleod
The primary service which Systematic Theology performs for the preacher is to provide him with his message. But that's not all. It should also give his message biblical proportion and balance. After all, it is only too easy to ride hobby-horses, as witness the story of the old Presbyterian minister...
Donald Macleod
The primary service which Systematic Theology performs for the preacher is to provide him with his message. But that's not all. It should also give his message biblical proportion and balance. After all, it is only too easy to ride hobby-horses, as witness the story of the old Presbyterian minister...
Donald Macleod
Of any use to whom? Ideally, of course, to the whole world. But imagine yourself walking into a Systematic Theology classroom. Look at the students, and ponder their futures. A few will become academic theologians. Some more will be missionaries. But most will be pastors and preachers. What use is...
Donald Macleod
Of any use to whom? Ideally, of course, to the whole world. But imagine yourself walking into a Systematic Theology classroom. Look at the students, and ponder their futures. A few will become academic theologians. Some more will be missionaries. But most will be pastors and preachers. What use is...