Systematic Theology

Is the conversation about God's attributes "old fashioned" and "western"? Regarding systematic theology, one often encounters the critique that the logical ordering of various topics is "western" or "Greek" or "academic"--all of which are really meant as synonyms for "bad" and "wrongheaded."...
Many years ago, at one of the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, Allan Fisher gave me (a poor doctoral student at the time) one of the best gifts that an aspiring student of theology could ever receive: a copy of Francis Turretin's three-volume Institutes of Elenctic Theology...
Michael Spangler
In addition to modeling and teaching submission to the Word of God , Petrus van Mastricht-- in the recently translated prolegomena of his Theoretical-Practical Theology-- powerfully corrected my thinking on the relation of reason and theology. Reason is incorporated into theology. First and...
With the first verse in the Bible, we are confronted with the necessity of the interpretive priority of theology proper ( i.e. , answering that and what God is ) to account for the economy ( i.e. , answering that and what God does ): "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:...
What is creation? Quite often, when asked that question, everyday Christians would immediately direct attention to what has been made. One might say, "Look at the vast sky above, with its moon and stars, its sun and clouds which give rain from heaven." We might point to the ocean and all its deep...
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
Cornelius Van Til, former professor of Christian apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, professed to have stood on the shoulders of classic Reformed theological giants such as Abraham Kuyper, Benjamin B. Warfield, and Herman Bavinck.1 While not everyone is agreed on...
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
Cornelius Van Til, former professor of Christian apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, professed to have stood on the shoulders of classic Reformed theological giants such as Abraham Kuyper, Benjamin B. Warfield, and Herman Bavinck.1 While not everyone is agreed on...
Jeff Waddington
Cornelius Van Til, former professor of Christian apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, professed to have stood on the shoulders of classic Reformed theological giants such as Abraham Kuyper, Benjamin B. Warfield, and Herman Bavinck.1 While not everyone is agreed on...
Brian Borgman
Greg Nichols. Lectures in Systematic Theology: t he Doctrine of God , CreateSpace, 2017. 680 p. With the release of Lectures in Systematic Theology: t he Doctrine of God , Greg Nichols has given us a feast that is marvelously pastoral and practical, deeply theological and consistently exegetical...
Brian Borgman
Greg Nichols. Lectures in Systematic Theology: t he Doctrine of God , CreateSpace, 2017. 680 p. With the release of Lectures in Systematic Theology: t he Doctrine of God , Greg Nichols has given us a feast that is marvelously pastoral and practical, deeply theological and consistently exegetical...