A Librarian Responds

A Librarian Responds


A Librarian, whose tailor wishes to remain anonymous, has written to complain about the Librarianophobic nature of some of the comments on this blog.   On legal advice, we reprint the whole of his missal below:

Reverend Sir:

I am writing to protest the cavalier attack that the Reverend Dr. Carl R. Trueman launched upon librarians in his recent jottings on Ref21.

Dr, Trueman seems to feel that librarians are people who exist only to be scorned simply because some of them have a slightly odd dress sense.  What the good Dr. fails to recognize is that when you scorn librarians, you scorn the library itself and when that happens, you are placing learning in jeopardy.

In his own homeland the recent attacks by penny pinching governments upon the public library system has provoked a storm of protest and caused one author to rightly point out that

"Once you've benefitted from the use of shared institutions (like libraries)...to (then) abandon them when they're no longer of personal necessity is like Wile E Coyote laying down a rope bridge between two precipices only to blow it up once he's reached the other side, so that no one might follow."

The Reader Online. http://thereaderonline.co.uk/2011/04/05/zadie-smith-on-libraries/

I appeal to you to put an end to Dr. Trueman's folly and stop this misguided attack upon a profession, whose services he happily uses, whilst he scorns the very people who provide for his scholarly needs. It is surely incumbent upon Ref21 to maintain and defend learning, the reading of books and to cease the scornful comments directed at those who are the keepers of the books.

Yours etc. etc.

The Weary Librarian