Biblical Truth

It is difficult to argue against the claim that Princeton Theological Seminary of Princeton, New Jersey occupied a—if not the —principal position of influence in shaping American Reformed Christianity in the nineteenth century. The years between its founding in 1812 and the resignation of Dr. J...
Jack is not going to seminary. He has a good job, he is settled in his local church, and he wants to minister in his home state, preferably his hometown. Staying put permits him to help in his local church and to build connections he’ll need in the future. Jack will get his book learning from...
My friends talk a lot these days about how to spend more time with others in person. We sincerely wish we could be more present with the people we care about most. And we all acknowledge that our screens get in the way. We want to be personally attentive, but battle the incessant magnetism of our...
What is the relationship between the creation/cultural mandate in Genesis and God’s intended role for his redeemed people in the new covenant? In Genesis 1, God creates humanity in his image and gives them a task to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion” (1:...
Over the past 10 years, I’ve been examined by 4 different presbyteries. These have been profoundly edifying experiences that have deepened my love for the brethren and biblical polity. While each presbytery’s exam had its own flavor, a unique blend mixed from past controversies within and...
When I was a Southern Baptist pastor, all I heard about was discipleship. It was their "thing," almost to a fault. When I moved into the Reformed world, I never heard anything about discipleship. Perhaps my experience is an anomaly but gauging from some conversations I’ve had with a variety of...
When considering the qualifications for elders, “able to teach” is often recognized as the one qualification uniquely required for the office (1 Tim. 3:2, Tit. 1:9). Certainly, the unique role of elders centers on “the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4). But another qualification is often missed or...
In the early hours of June 21 st 1957, a stream of FBI agents burst into Rudolph Abel’s apartment and arrested him on charges of spying for the Soviet Union. At that time the Cold War was nearing its boiling point. Overseas, Americans had been killed fighting the gangrenous spread of communism. At...
Summary of the Book In the introduction of his book, Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament , Mark Vroegop contends that “there is deep mercy under dark clouds when we discover the grace of lament” (p. 22). His book is a book about the grace of lament . Vroegop is neither an...
Steve Lawson has been removed from ministry at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas due to an inappropriate relationship with a woman who is not his wife. Other places he is affiliated with have acted swiftly to remove him from his duties (e.g., Ligonier, The Masters Seminary, OnePassion Ministries)...