Oct. 4: Psalm 87

October 4, 2010
A Prayer from Psalm 87
John Calvin: "What we are taught in this psalm may be summed up in this: That the Church of God far excels all the kingdoms and politics of the world, inasmuch as she is watched over, and protected by Him in all her interests, and placed under his government; that, in the first place, amidst the violent commotions and dreadful storms with which the whole world is often shaken, she may continue safe; and, in the second place, and principally, that being wonderfully preserved by the protection of the same God, she may at length, after the toil and struggle of a protracted warfare, be crowned with the triumphant laurels of her high calling."
O Lord our Lord,
How majestic is your name in all the earth. As the faithful sons of Korah prayed to you, so we pray to you. For you have opened our mouths that we might proclaim your praise.
On your holy mountain stands the city that you have established, and in Christ, we the church have become your dwelling place by your Spirit. For you love the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob, and by your sustaining grace, glorious things continue to be spoken of your city, O God.
There is a river you've appointed whose streams make glad your city, O Most High, and by your grace, we your people have seen and have tasted your living water, springing forth from you, O Lord.
You have daily supplied living waters to your sons and daughters, and you have removed all fear of want from within our hearts, for you alone, O Lord, are our shepherd who leads us every hour.
Father, who can faint while such a river flows forever just as your grace overflows upon us? O Lord, you are the source and fountain and Giver of all life, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, the ever gracious Lord, who never fails us from age to age.
For you, O Most High, have established us forever. You have led us to repentance by your kindness and you lead us daily to depend on you alone. You have quickened us by your Spirit and have accepted us into your glorious family. You have given us new life in Jesus Christ and have made us new creations so that we may dwell in and exist as your holy city. You have established us as a shining city on your holy mountain, O God, and you have declared that the names of your redeemed are recorded in the Book of Life.
In this wonderful truth, O Lord, we rejoice in you and your gracious, fatherly affection for us. We sing your praises, and along with all the singers and dancers in your courts, we proclaim: "All my springs are in you alone, O Lord, our God--our Savior, Defender, and Redeemer--the only one to whom we pray--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--one God, now and forever, amen.
John Calvin: "What we are taught in this psalm may be summed up in this: That the Church of God far excels all the kingdoms and politics of the world, inasmuch as she is watched over, and protected by Him in all her interests, and placed under his government; that, in the first place, amidst the violent commotions and dreadful storms with which the whole world is often shaken, she may continue safe; and, in the second place, and principally, that being wonderfully preserved by the protection of the same God, she may at length, after the toil and struggle of a protracted warfare, be crowned with the triumphant laurels of her high calling."
O Lord our Lord,
How majestic is your name in all the earth. As the faithful sons of Korah prayed to you, so we pray to you. For you have opened our mouths that we might proclaim your praise.
On your holy mountain stands the city that you have established, and in Christ, we the church have become your dwelling place by your Spirit. For you love the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob, and by your sustaining grace, glorious things continue to be spoken of your city, O God.
There is a river you've appointed whose streams make glad your city, O Most High, and by your grace, we your people have seen and have tasted your living water, springing forth from you, O Lord.
You have daily supplied living waters to your sons and daughters, and you have removed all fear of want from within our hearts, for you alone, O Lord, are our shepherd who leads us every hour.
Father, who can faint while such a river flows forever just as your grace overflows upon us? O Lord, you are the source and fountain and Giver of all life, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, the ever gracious Lord, who never fails us from age to age.
For you, O Most High, have established us forever. You have led us to repentance by your kindness and you lead us daily to depend on you alone. You have quickened us by your Spirit and have accepted us into your glorious family. You have given us new life in Jesus Christ and have made us new creations so that we may dwell in and exist as your holy city. You have established us as a shining city on your holy mountain, O God, and you have declared that the names of your redeemed are recorded in the Book of Life.
In this wonderful truth, O Lord, we rejoice in you and your gracious, fatherly affection for us. We sing your praises, and along with all the singers and dancers in your courts, we proclaim: "All my springs are in you alone, O Lord, our God--our Savior, Defender, and Redeemer--the only one to whom we pray--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--one God, now and forever, amen.