MDB 66: 1 Thess 2
April 5, 2010
The Thessalonian letters are among the earliest written in the New Testament. In them Paul (and his missionary companions Silvanus and Timothy) open their hearts to the new converts and infant church in that Macadonian city. In revealing their thoughts and motives, the Holy Spirit gives us a picture of what Christian ministry ought to be. In his deep concern for the Thessalonians, Paul reminds them of his first days among them, and of their initial reception of the gospel. Both are instructive for us today.
Godly ministry avoids every appearance of evil- whether it is deception (v.3), sinful popularity (v.4), greed (v.5) or a desire for control (v.6). Instead, Christian leaders ought to display compassion (vv. 7-8), service (v.9), integrity (v.10), and fatherly care (v.11). Paul preached the "gospel of God" boldly even amidst opposition, because he was always conscious that it was God that he served. Notice the phrases: "in our God" (v.2), "approved by God" (v.4), "to please God" (v.4), "God is witness" (v.5) and "worthy of God". Paul's point is to impress the new Christians with the fact that the Lord is the one who has begun this work in their hearts.
And notice the results of this faithful ministry. The Thessalonians have responded to this preaching wholeheartedly. It is the word of God to them! (v.13). They are walking in that truth (v.12), imitating those who have believed before them (v.14), and even suffered for their newfound faith in God (v.14). Even the sinful actions of their enemies are like the opposition of the Jews to Jesus and the prophets! By reminding them of these things, Paul is strengthening their faith in what God has done in their lives.
Have you taken advantage of the faithful gospel ministry in your life? If you have, this is an evidence of God's work in your life.
Are you praying for the Lord to raise up godly leaders in our day, and that he would bless such men in your life as well?