Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Here is a link to some articles that Michael Horton wrote after his appearance on 60 Minutes in which he was intereviewed for a segment on Joel Osteen ( 60 Minutes, Osteen, and Horton ). Horton is one of the most articulate theologians of our day. His comments are thoughtful, truthful, and timely.
Considering the fact that Metro East will soon begin the process of prayerfully selecting elders, I will be posting a series of excellent articles by Thabiti Anyabwile on the biblical qualifications of those who serve the church as elders ( Those Above Reproach ). Take a moment and reflect on the amazing grace of God. Helpful words from Tim Keller on how to advance the Gospel.
Justin Taylor links to a good article by Stan Guthrie regarding Tony Campolo's "Red-Letter Christians" ( Red-Letter Christians ). For a long time I have been frustrated by editions of the Bible that have the words of Jesus in red. The danger is that we will assume that Jesus' words are more...
I have been soaking up Bruce Waltke’s magnum opus A Theology of the Old Testament. Waltke, one of the world’s foremost Hebrew and Old Testament scholars has given the church a great resource in this, his latest book. It is a wonderful addition to the work of biblical theology which is sorely needed...
Disturbing ( The New Age of Purpose Driven ). I read Smith's book about a year ago. He makes some very compelling arguments. Rick Warren is a brother in Christ. But I must admit "The Purpose Driven Life" has some very deep flaws. Warren's use, rather frequent misuse of Scripture is very troubling.
Liam Goligher is a pastor in the U.K. and a very able writer. His book “The Jesus Gospel” is an effective tour through the Scriptures with focus on how the Gospel functions as a central interpretive motif. Helpfully, Goligher begins his book with an exposition of John 17 – Jesus’ high priestly...
Scott Hill over at Fide-O is posting some thoughts on Joel Osteen's New book ( "Become A Better You" Review Part 1#links ). John Piper on why expository preaching that declares doctrinal certainties is so important. This is why I preach.
Good stuff from Mark Dever posted by Justin Taylor ( What Is Orthodoxy? ).
Don't miss the new resources I have been adding to the blog. You will find new blogsites that I enjoy as well as some excellent audio resources in both the "Bible and Theology" and "Audio" sections.
More good stuff from John Ensor in “The Great Work of the Gospel”: “Both the Pharisees and Jesus use the word “sinner,” but in slightly different ways. The use in either case is jarring to the modern ear, so highly trained are we never to think negatively of ourselves. Hopefully we are past that...
I found this video posted over at "Between Two Worlds" ( 99 Balloons ). Take my word for it - watch this. I wonder why the church has become so cosumer driven? Could pastors have anything to do with it?
Timmy Brister has posted a great list of Gospel-centered resources ( Resources for Gospel-Centered Living ). Check it out. This would be funny if it weren't so true. To be honest, this is not much of an exageration at all. I have had some of these very same things said to me. I found this posted at Fide-O. Enjoy!
Theologian Michael Horton will appear on the October 14th edition of "60 Minutes" to discuss the teachings and influence of Joel Osteen. Check out this link at "Between Two Worlds" ( Osteen ).
“If I say I will put Him out of my mind, I will not speak in His name any more, then it is like a burning fire in my heart, imprisoned within my body. I weary myself from holding on to it, and I cannot do so.” - Jeremiah 20:9 In his book God’s Prophet, God’s Servant John Goldingay, one of the world...
Between Two Worlds: Life of David Brainerd: Free Audio
After identifying some of the external replacements that we often use to fill the place that the Gospel ought to occupy Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp point out “Five Gospel Perspectives” that give shape to the rest of their book How People Change . 1. The Extent and Gravity of our Sin “It has been...
There is a link to a great review of Richard Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" ( Dawkins ) posted on One-Way Road . Many of you have friends that have read the book. Sadly, skeptics and believers alike have been influenced by his spurious reasoning. Arm yourself with the truth.
Good observations on Mark Driscoll posted on Paleoevangelical( Funnier ). Be sure to check out the article from "Christianity Today."
One of the books I’ve been reading lately is “How People Change” by Paul Tripp and Timothy Lane. Tripp and Lane are faculty members at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation in Glenside, PA. There is a link to the CCEF website on this blog. They are also both lecturers in practical...
The following is from an article by Fred Zaspel on the invitation system. While almost unheard of before the 19th century, the "altar call" has become a fixture in Baptist, Weslayan, Pentecostal, and Nazarene traditions. In fact, many feel as if they have not been to church unless there was an...
I have a new link in the "Bible and Theology" section of this blog. It is called "Gospel Pedlar" and is worth checking out. It links to a host of excellent articles on all manner of theological topics. Enjoy. This is a pretty good example of spiritual abuse from the pastor of one of the nations newest mega-churches. Ironically, this "what have you done for Jesus lately" preaching simply replaces one type of Pharisee with another. It is a gospel-less message.
In September I began preaching a series of messages called “The Gospel-Driven Church.” It is part of an emphasis that I hope will be refreshing and challenging for Metro East. Much of it is the fruit of what the Lord was doing in my heart during the strategic ministry planning process. Along with...
Brian McLaren, the elder statesman of the emergent church movement, has written in this book “A Generous Orthodoxy” that God as judge was perhaps a useful metaphor in some long past generation but today men and women need to construct more helpful and relevant metaphors for God. There is so much...
I have little patience with many of the leadership conferences and seminars offered by big, huge, really cool, awesome churches and other Christian ministries. Most of them sound something like, “How to be a super-duper impressively awesome leader.” The largest such event that is hosted by Willow... Driscoll can be a bit irreverant at times but for a church that is losing its MEN, this is an incredibly important message. This is why I like Mark Driscoll... Joel Osteen gets nervous. The God of Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes
In his most recent article for Modern Reformation Michael Horton asks the question, “Does Justification Still Matter?” He observes and laments the fact that the contemporary church, even many of those with roots in the Protestant Reformation, have either neglected or denied the central doctrine of...
As I was re-reading chapter nine in Ensor’s book this morning I was quite convicted. How good and kind are the providences of God! “Jesus was betrayed by a disciple, falsely accused by those he came to serve, denied justice in the courts, abandoned by his friends, humiliated, beaten, and hammered...
I don’t much like testing. I suppose none of us do. But since I am the worst sinner that I know I am especially frail when it comes to the testing of my faith. Things that would have been considered mere flesh wounds to my faithful forebears threaten to derail me. I, like so many in my generation,... Jason over at FideO posted this yesterday. I thought it was pretty funny.
The call to minister is a call to suffer. If you minister full-time then suffering will be your daily companion. I don’t expect everyone to fully understand this. I suspect that some will think I am being pessimistic. But in my life as a pastor, pain never goes away. Even when it is not acute it is... This is an interesting exchange between John MacArthur and Doug Pagitt, a leader in the emerging church, on the subject of Yoga. Not only does Pagitt take Scripture WAY out of context but his ideas on what makes Christians "whole" are quite troubling.
If you do not attend Metro East Baptist I would encourage you to read John Ensor’s book The Great Work of the Gospel with us. If you are reading along I trust that you have made your way to the second chapter. Our joy in the Gospel is directly proportional to our understanding of sin. In other...
Worthy thoughts from the venerable 19th century Anglican - J.C. Ryle. “I find no balm for a sore conscience, and a troubled heart, like the sight of Jesus dying for me on the accursed tree. There I see that a full payment has been made for all my enormous debts. The curse of that law which I have...
This is a great article by Mark Lauterbach ( Gospel must be central ).
I find that in the contemporary church the Gospel is often assumed. That is, in the church today there tends to be a bit of a “ho-hum” attitude toward the most important message in the universe. It is a mentality that says, “Well of course we believe the Gospel. Can’t we get on to more pressing...
Justin Taylor at "Between Two Worlds" posted an excellent article ( Spiritual Warfare 101 ) on spiritual warfare. Since I recently preached on Jesus' encounter with the Gerasene demoniac (Luke 8:26-39) I thought it would be helpful to pass this along.
As a part of the new sermon series, The Gospel-Driven Church, and in harmony with the report from the Strategic Ministry Planning Team we will be reading John Ensor’s book “The Great Work of the Gospel.” I am happy that so many of you who are a part of the Metro East family will be participating in...
I was so blessed by our combined worship services on Sunday! It was great to see the saints from all three morning worship services together in one gathering. Many thanks to the office staff, the hospitality team, the ushers, the musicians, and all the others who worked hard to ensure that our time...