Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Take time to listen to this round table discussion on The White Horse Inn concerning Christianity and politics.
I am taking the next few days off. I'll be back in touch sometime after the weekend. Blessings, todd
Nothing against them but Jesus was NOT a community organizer (whatever that is). He is Messiah, King, Lord, Servant, Sacrifice, and Savior. He did not come to make bad men good or good men better. He came to make dead men live. I wish that politicians would stop dragging the name of Jesus through...
Too often Christians respond to time of crisis with little discernable difference from those who do not know hope in Christ. This helpful post from Justin Taylor is designed to assist us in thinking biblically about the present banking crisis. I think it is appropriate to pray for the economy...
Gotta love The Band! This is from "The Last Waltz" the greatest concert film ever made.
I read this over at Reformation 21 : "According to The Sunday Times (9/14/08), the British government has incorporated Islamic law into the British legal system by establishing five sharia courts. The judgments of these courts are now enforceable with the full power of British law, running all the...
Terry Johnson, pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Savanah, Georgia is one of my favorite writers. In his wonderful book When Grace Comes Home he demonstrates how the doctrines of grace are not simply theological lumber but they actually apply beautifully and profoundly to our lives...
Just when you thought the near vaudevillian atmosphere in the Anglican Communion couldn't get worse they go one better. Now they have issued an apology to Charles Darwin. Do they know he's dead? You can read an article about it HERE .
I deleted the last post (a video of Jack Van Impe) because I noticed that after the video there was a link to something inappropriate. Oh well. It was funny (and sad) stuff.
Stephen Nichols new book Getting the Blues promises to be a good read. The subtitle of the book is "What Blues Music Teaches Us about Suffering and Salvation." The idea that God communicates truth and beauty through music, art, science, etc is what is known as "common grace." By God's grace...
What a great time we had today at Andover Central High School! I love having all of us together in one service. Thanks to all those who prepared the contintental breakfast and the lunch. You served us very well. Thanks also to those who labored to ensure that the music was oustanding. Jason,...
Sad news has come to light about Ray Boltz. He has announced that he is a homosexual. You can read a brief article from Christianity Today HERE . “This is what it really comes down to,” he says. “If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I’m going to live. It’s not like God made me this...
One of my favorite books in the last couple of years is "The Jesus Gospel" by Liam Goligher. It is a tremendously helpful and insightful unfolding of God's redemptive purposes as revealed in Scripture. He effectively demonstrates how the Gospel runs like a thread throughout God's Word. As you read...
Leave it to Joycelyn Elders to elucidate the moral goodness of abortion. Tucker Carlson, writing for The Daily Standard website points out how abortion has become a form of eugenics. Commenting on the horrific moral reasoning of the former Surgeon General Carlson writes: Testifying before Congress...
Al Mohler has commented on a piece by Lisa Miller in Newsweek . Apparently it is a shocker to Miss Miller that an evangelical preacher (Sarah Palin's pastor) believes in hell as well as the necessity for faith in Christ if one is to be saved. It says a lot about the increasingly post-Christian...
Thanks to Justin Taylor for finding this little gem.
Michael Horton's upcoming book "Christless Christianity" is going to be well worth the read.
One of the advantages of the internet is the kinds of resources available for Christians. To be sure there is a lot, and I mean a lot of junk out there. But there are also some outstanding resources. Here are three great places to find some of the best theological instruction and biblical preaching...
Check out this interesting article from USA Today. The unchurched remain untouched. While the number of people who say they attend at least once a week hovers around 30% year after year, the number who say they "never" go to church climbs. The tally of "Nevers" varies from 16% in Gallup surveys to...
Can anyone explain to me the appeal of this junk? Are people truly this gullible? Why is he oinking?
This Sunday I am preaching on Jesus' parable of "The Good Samaritan". It can be a tricky text because of the ease with which we can make it a law unto salvation by which we justify ourselves before God. This was the same error the expert in the law was making. At the same time, if we are thinking...
There are a chorus of voices within evangelicalism that call for the redefining, rethinking, or reimagining of the church. I first became aware of this in the late 1980's as a student in Bible college. For a young guy who thought he knew everything it sounded right. "Everything must change!" I was...
One of my favorite magazines is Tabletalk which is published by Ligonier Ministries . You can read the latest issue online HERE . Each issue is filled with great articles and a month's worth of daily Bible readings and commentary. I highly recommend Tabletalk as a resource for sharpening your...
I read two very helpful articles today that I thought I would pass along to you. The first is from Charles Colson who invites us to be somewhat introspective about the choices we would make if faced with similar circumstances as the Palins. Colson speculates as to why the selection of Sarah Palin...
From Peggy Noonan's article in the Wall Street Journal : I'll tell you how powerful Mrs. Palin already is: she reignited the culture wars just by showing up. She scrambled the battle lines, too. The crustiest old Republican men are shouting "Sexism!" when she's slammed. Pro-woman Democrats are...
Yesterday I received from a friend a copy of Al Mohler's new book on preaching - He Is Not Silent . If you are a preacher then do yourself and your congregation a favor and read this book. I have been devouring it. In the opening chapter Mohler makes a point about a current trend in preaching that...
Phil Johnson over at Pyromaniacs has posted two important articles about recent anti-Christian violence in India ( Here & Here ). One particularly moving passage is Johnson's retelling of the martyrdom of Graham Staines and his two sons in 1999. "Jungle Camp" was an annual event in Manoharpur;...
Tim Chester's new book, You Can Change , promises to be well worth the reading. I am a fan of Chester's writing. His books Total Church , Delighting in the Trinity , and From Creation to New Creation are outstanding. Of You Can Change Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian Church writes, "A book about...
The August 31st edition of the Washington Post featured a front page article on the preaching of pastor Robert Seagears of Christ Chapel Mountaintop in Virginia. Here is an exerpt: "Good morning, Mountaintop!" he growled to the congregation before launching into his Sunday sermon based on the R-...
I believe people like this are referred to as "useful idiots."
I posted a link to this article back in May but considering current events I thought it was worth posting again. The Palins never considered aborting the baby. That means that Trig Palin is now is a very rare group of very special children, because it is now believed that the vast majority of...
Any Thoughts? Is it appropriate for a Christian to invite people "of other faith traditions" to pray to their own god? Is it appropriate for a Christian to refer to false doctrines and idolatries as "other faith traditions?"
Nancy Pelosi probably wishes she had not publically commented on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and its history and teaching regarding abortion. She has been receiving a steady stream of rebukes from various officers in the Church since her ill-informed foray into theology and church...
Those of you who know me know my affection for Charles Spurgeon. His life and ministry is a worthy subject of study for any Christian but especially for those serving in full-time service to the Gospel. Gordon Cheng has posted some excellent reflections on Spurgeon's life, particularly his daily...
As a regular reader of First Things I was quite interested in Joseph Bottum's article in the August/September issue - "The Death of Protestant America." Check out this helpful commentary by Al Mohler on Bottum's observations. In the course of his article, Bottum offers a sophisticated and...
Imperative - "Indicating authority or command; urgent, necessary" (Webster's). An imperative is a statement of what one must do. Indicative - "Designating that mood of a verb used to express an act" (Webster's). An indicative explains what is true. It is not a command but expresses the rationale...
“In the cross of Christ, as in a splendid theater, the incomparable goodness of God is set before the whole world. The glory of God shines, indeed, in all creatures on high and below, but never more brightly than in the cross, in which there was a wonderful change of things—the condemnation of all...
Certainly you have noticed that some of my recent posts have concerned the issue of abortion. The rationale behind this is the fact that, this being an election season, abortion is in the news quite a bit. Also, abortion is one of the most crucial moral issues of our time. Since the passing of Roe...
On this week's edition of Meet The Press, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demonstrated not only her ignorance of church history but the twisted morality that lies at the heart of abortion. Here is a portion of Mrs. Pelosi's interview with Tom Brokaw: MR. BROKAW: Senator Obama saying the question of when...
Check out this article on the presence of faith and religion at this year's Democratic National Convention. "At the first official event Sunday of the Democratic National Convention, a choir belted out a gospel song and was followed by a rabbi reciting a Torah reading about forgiveness and the...
As Jesus was sending out the seventy-two disciples on mission ahead of him he said, “I am sending you out as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:3). This does not seem to be the best recruiting strategy. It is a portrait of vulnerability if ever there was one. It is akin to Jesus saying, “I am sending you...
Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz will be praying at this year's Democratic National Convetion. Christianity Today inverviewed Miller about the opportunity to pray at the DNC. They also asked him questions about issues such as abortion and homosexual marriage. Where do you stand on issues...
Good thoughts from Jared over at The Gospel-Driven Church blog. We trust not because "a God" exists, but because this God exists.-- C.S. Lewis, “On Obstinacy in Belief” Yes! As the segment of ostensibly evangelical worship directed somewhere roundabouts "a God" who cares about our feelings and who...
Check out THIS POST by Russell Moore on "the cosmic lostness of a fatherless life." He comments on the book A Wolf at the Table by Augusten Burroughs. It's a bit creepy but profound nevertheless. Moore writes: Recently I came across one of the saddest passages I've ever read. Writer Augusten...
Earlier today I was talking with one of the guys on staff about Leading With A Limp by Dan Allender. I read it a year ago or so and it made a pretty deep impact on the way I think about leadership. Anyway, I pulled my copy off the book shelf and read a few portions this afternoon. In a chapter...