Pray for Alberta

On Tuesday, pastor James Coates of Grace Life Church in Edmonton, Alberta, turned himself in to the police after failing to comply with COVID health regulations—which include limiting church attendance to 15 percent capacity. Coates was offered release on the condition that he refrain from preaching, which he refused. He remains in police custody. You can read more about the recent struggles between Grace Life and Albertan health officials here.
Please pray for pastor Coates, his family, and the congregation of Grace Life as this situation continues to unfold. Pray also for the authorities in Alberta, that they honor God in all their decisions.
Bob Brady is the Executive Director of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Related Links
Podcast: "Forming Pastors in the Days of COVID"
"In the Face of Crisis, Fear the Lord" by Christina Fox
"Submit to the Government Serving God to Save Lives" by Grant Van Leuven
"Coronavirus and the Church: Compliant, or Uncreative?" by Terry Johnson
What Is the Church? with Michael Horton, Greg Gilbert, and Robert Norris [ Download ]
Seven Churches, Four Horsemen, One Lord by James Boice