Some Great Summer Resources


This morning I am staring at a stack of books that I hope to read over the next several months. These resources came to me compliments of Reformation Heritage Books and I am eager to make you aware of them.

Let's begin with the book entitled Captivated by Thabiti Anyabwile, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in the Cayman Islands.  As a gifted preacher and writer, he encourages us to 'stare' contemplatively at the glorious meaning of Christ's suffering and resurrection on our behalf. This book looks like it will be a great devotional read and the reflection questions at the end of each chapter should be valuable for those who use it in a Bible study setting.

Next is the book entitled Heart to Heart by Tanner G. Turley. This work is a study of the life and ministry of Octavius Winslow, a well-respected pastor and preacher for almost 45 years during the 19th century. Winslow was a distinguished servant of Christ; therefore this new publication should be profitable in encouraging us to be the kind of pastors who carry about the fragrance of Christ wherever we go.

Then there is Paul Washer's new book Gospel Assurance & Warnings. This is Paul's third and final book in the Recovering the Gospel series which deals with the nature of true biblical conversion. Each book has been outstanding thus far and I enthusiastically look forward to reading this last installment in the trilogy.

Also we have David Beaty's book entitled An All-Surpassing Fellowship. In this new work David introduces us to the spiritual life of Robert Murray M'Cheyne. To those of us familiar with the life of godly M'Cheyne this volume should be a tremendous help in our own sanctification and growth in Christ likeness.

Next is J.V. Fesko's Songs of a Suffering King. This book looks particularly interesting especially for those who love the Psalms. Concerning this work the publisher says that "Author J. V. Fesko hopes to awaken the church to the majesty, beauty, and splendor of the Psalms through a devotional exploration of Psalms 1-8, a 'grand Christ hymn,' in which David, as the suffering king, prefigures the King of kings, Jesus Christ. To encourage readers to come to a greater appreciation for the Psalms, the author includes with each chapter questions for further reflection and study and a metrical version of each psalm. He also recommends Internet resources that provide digital files of the tunes."

James Garretson's An Able Faithful Ministry looks like another excellent pastoral resource which focuses on the life and ministry of Samuel Miller (1769-1850), a professor of ecclesiastical history and church government at Princeton Theological Seminary in the nineteenth century. This volume covers many topics that will be useful for ministers who labor for God's people. Here is what Carl Truman says about it:

"There is much debate today about exactly what the pastoral ministry should look like, what its priorities should be, what the tools of its trade are, and what kind of man should hold it. Once again, Jim Garretson has enriched the literature on this topic by opening up the world of the Old Princetonians for us. This book is not only a moving portrait of one of the great nineteenth-century Presbyterian pastors and thinkers but also a stimulus to practical reflection on how the traditional ordinary-means-of-grace model of church and pastor can be applied today. A wonderful volume."

Next there is Simonetta Carr's new biography on John Knox. Simonetta has already written several other helpful biographies and this volume should also be a very useful resource. This beautifully illustrated book looks like it will be a great tool, not only in informing us about this outstanding Scottish reformer, but also in teaching our children about this significant man of God.

Lastly, let me recommend two other exciting resources from RHB. First there is a new series of booklets entitled Cultivating Biblical Godliness. Unlike other popular booklet series the distinctive feature of this one is its experimental tone. This series speaks to the heart and its goal is to promote "communion with the triune God and to transform the entire person in thought, speech, and behavior." I believe that every church should make these booklets available to its people. The topics that are addressed are relevant, edifying and essential to godly living. 

Second there is The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible which should be released at the end of this year. As I have read through several pages of the sample edition I am very impressed with what I have seen thus far. The notes are extremely valuable for anyone whether they are a KJV reader or not. In my opinion this study Bible contains Reformed theology at its finest and should be in the hands of all Christians everywhere. More information about it and a promotional video can be seen here:

Here, then, are some great summer resources for you to consider picking up. May the reading of these books help us to be more holy and be a powerful means of glorifying Jesus Christ our risen and exalted Lord.